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Q: Why were the three branches of government created to be equally powerful?
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Do the three branches of government share their powers equally?


Which idea of the enlightenment period pertained to dividing government equally among branches?

It was the separahun of powels.

What will happen if power is not shared equally in government?

If power is not shared equally in government some branches will wield more power and influence than others, which results in imbalance that threatens stability

Why does the US government use checks and a balance system?

to spread power equally between the three branches..

Purpose of checks and balances?

so a branch of government is not more powerful than the others they equally share power.

What are some benefits of dividing the government into three branches with separate or different powers?

One of the advantages of the three branches of government is that it helps put checks and balances in place such that no branch is too powerful compared to the other one. The other advantage is that they help prevent tyranny.

When was Equally Destructive created?

Equally Destructive was created in 2007.

Who is more famous Miley Cyrus or Goku?

Both are equally famous and equally powerful.

Why was having no executive or judicial branch in the articles of confederation a problem?

Because the AOC did not provide a stable, strong central government. The AOC also did not give the government the ability to tax, AOC only gave them the ability to raise an army, and sign formal treaties.

How did the Constitution view Native Americans tribes?

They treated them equally since all men are created equal...yah...

Why do you have different branches in your government?

The executive branch is the Presidential branch that establishes the laws, the Legistlative is the senate branch that interprets the laws and filters them through, and the Judicial branch enforces the laws. These three branches were established in an effort to equally divide up the nations power, and they maintain certain checks and balances over each other. They maintain order over each other to keep things equal in our government.

What is the most representative branch of government?

non of them are the most important because they all check eachother