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Q: Why was the constitution called the great experiment?
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Related questions

What is it called when you are conducting an experiment?

It is called an experiment.

Who compromise saved the constitutional convention and the constitution?

Roger Sheman's. It was called "The Great Compromise".

Who is compromise saved the Constitutional Convention and the Constitution?

Roger Sheman's. It was called "The Great Compromise".

What are steps in an experiment called?

The steps in an experiment are called the Scientific Method.

A standard of comparison in an experiment is called the?

it is called the control of the experiment

In an experiment a factor that changes is called a?

A factor that changes in an experiment is called a variable.

What are the results from an experiment called?

The results of an experiment are called your data.

What is the Great Law of the Iroquois?

Great Law of Peace of the Iroquois Six Nations is the oral constitution whereby the Iroquois Confederacy was bound together. It has been said that the democratic ideals of the Great Law provided a significant inspiration to the framers of the United States Constitution.

An experiment in which all variables stay the same is called?

An experiment in which all variables stay the same is called a "controlled experiment".

What were amendments that were repealed?

Notably, the "Great and Noble Experiment" as the 18th Amendment was called (Prohibition). Enacted in 1920, it was repealed in 1933.

How did roger sherman contribute to the creation of the constiution?

He held a meeting called The Great Compromise which incorporated with the Constitution

What are changes to the U.S. constitution called?

Changes to the Constitution are called Amendments.