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There was a need for the new Constitution because the Articles Of Confederation were not enough to suffice the new nation. They lacked a Bill of Rights and weakened the new, unmatured America. The Constitution added the Bill of Rights and gave citizens basic freedoms, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc.

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Q: Why was pressure building for a new constitution during the 1780s?
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What developments during the 1780s produced the strongest calls for a new national constitution and government?

economic chaos in the nation

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The plural of 1780 is 1780s. As in "this took place during the 1780s".

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In the 1780s the publication of The Federalist Papers was intended to encourage ratification of the United States constitution.

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It was captured sometime during the 1780s.

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By 1780 there were no "peasants".

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Nationalists of the 1780't felt a constitution was essential to provide people of the nation the self-determination to continue with independence.

Which development during the 1780s produced the strongest calls for a new national constitution and government?

The American Revolution cost the federal government a lot of money, but they had no way to pay those bills. Therefore, the new constitution allowed the federal government to collect taxes to pay those debts. Economic chaos in the nation in plato

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The commander of the British forces in the south was Benedict Arnold. He led his forces during the 1780s.

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The institution of slavery expanded and intensified in the South.

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The commander of the British forces in the south was Benedict Arnold. He led his forces during the 1780s.

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The sudden accumulation of large fortunes by new families.