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Q: Why the colonies didn't want a new government to have too much power?
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North Carolina didnt have that much of types of colonies. But they did have territories!

Why did the central government under the articles of confederation given such limited powers?

The central government was more limited under the Articles Of Confederation than under the Constitution. People did not trust the government to have too much power. It looks like they were right.

What was the primary problem with the Articles of Confederation?

Primarily, it was the lack of a trading relationship between the states, and the lack of a single currency within the 13 colonies. In 1776-1781, the colonies proved they could unite for defense purposes. The constitution of 1791 was about constructing an economic system, hence its several compromises on how slavery would be handled within a united country, compromises that eventually led to disunion and civil war.

How did the Constitution reveal a fear of concentrated power?

They understood how too much power in the hands of one person can cause severe abuse and governmental problems. The colonies had just won freedom from such a system, and really, there were not many other kinds of government around at the time. They wanted to try something different while avoiding some of the mistakes of other nations.

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they limit their power because they didnt want them to take over

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The Kings had so much power because there was no government.

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