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We should have the dealth penalty because of many reasons. I can't name all of them right now, 'cause I'm a little busy, but ask yourslef why shouldn't we?

People who kill others just because they don't like them, should get it.

People who rape younger children should get it too.

People that do stupid things such as these, shouls get the death penalty! They ruin other peoples lives, or take away their lives. Ask yourself this: If someone murders someone for a REALLY stupid reason, shouldn't they lose their life cept. they got rid of someone elses??!!?!

you should NOT have the death penlaty because if for instence someone ruins your life, of coarse you want them to die, but on the other hand since you didnt like it why do you think they will?

we should ban the death penalty because the death plenty is murdering people just as they do not want us to do and also as to we should keep it because the fact is that we do not want to have criminals running and harming the united states government it does not make any sense to people when they are killing people and so these are my reason why the death penalty should still be there but the question is all on you and you so you should put your own ideas and etc okay
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12y ago
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13y ago

just for a start answer, i would support it because if under the right circumstances, people may deserve it, ex: if they kill or murder a completely innocent person they probly desever it... but you need most the facts to point to the person to be sure they are the one that did it. and i think they should only get the death penalty if they killed someone or kidnapped and tortered someone or something. it has be to serious.

Dangerous persons like serial murders deserve death penalty becaouse they are a great danger for the community. It is for the safety of other people.

Ok, i guess it can be but I wouldn't kill them just because it's safe for the community, i'd kill them cause they f'in deserve it!

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12y ago

It's merely a matter of opinion:

People who DON'T think there should be a death penalty MAY say:

- An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind (quoting Ghandi).

- If a person was wrongly accused of a murder, that person would be killed for no reason and the decision would obviously be irreversible once he/she is given the penalty.

- It's someone's human right to live.

- Prison is a longer punishment.

- Murderers can in some cases be rehabilitated.

- It will not bring the victim back to life.

People who DO think there should be a death penalty MAY say:

- Prison for murderers cost taxpayers' money which would be better spent on other services.

- Prison provides a home, a job and food to murderous criminals

- An eye for an eye is equal punishment.

- Someone who takes another person's human right to live has thereby forfeited his/her own human right to live for trying to take another's life.

- Death penalty would be a powerful deterrent.

- Depending on the method of death penalty (injection/electric chair/hanging), the death process can be drawn out, although not as long as prison obviously.

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13y ago

In my opinion I think that the death penalty doesnt help at all in any way possible. Because if you are sentenced to the death penalty and you were to die in the electric chair, would it teach you anything or would you care if you were dieing because it would be instant death and you don't feel anything. It wouldn't teach you anything and for one, if you were for example, in a high security prison vault with no social contact to the outside world, would that be a better and more reasonable punishment for you would be living through what you did and would never do that again. Also, other people would learn that they would have to be put through that forever if they were caught and that would scare off people and the crimes would go down. Right now, the death penalty isn't scaring off any criminals. In fact, the crimes in America are going UP fast and gangs are breaking out. Also, the death penalty cost over 180 million just to kill 5 people with the electric chair. That money ends up being paid back by regular peoples TAX money. If we were to put the criminals in prison, we would be saving around $240 million. And that money could go to crime fields and to the FBI or CIA or Police to search and stop crimes from happening. Bear in mind that the death penalty takes away a persons life though it doesnt help anyone does it? "Killing a killer is killing" "If we are against abortion, how can we be for the death penalty?"

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12y ago

This is my essay for language arts.

The Death Penalty should be against the law. Facts show that Pennsylvania has the 4th largest death population of 219 people. It's a waste of tax payers money. The FBI has found that the states with the penalty tend to have to largest murder rates.

I did a survey to see how many people were for or against the death penalty.19 out of 33 people are against it. In May 6-9th 2002, 68% favored the death of women, the only category that didn't have a higher opposing side.

this is only half of my essay but you get the point to be against the death penalty.

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12y ago

There are of course many reasons for and against capital punishment. My opinion is that there are some crimes that deserve a punishment worse than 'life' in prison, which in England is 20 years, often commuted to half that considering behaviour.

Repeat offenders that have committed heinous crimes, imprisoned and been released out into society to reoffend, have no place in society and are a drain on resources in prison.

It costs huge amounts of money to keep prisoners in the system year after year. It has been established and proven, that pedophiles can not change their mental attitude, therefore they will always be a danger to society and a cost to lock up. The only conclusion after conclusively proving the crime... capital punishment.

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12y ago
  • the reason we get death penalty is that we always do something really bad like murdering a cop or rape or sexual harassment that's the reason but think about and tell yourself do not do this
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15y ago

One might argue it is never acceptable to take a life.

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15y ago

only if you want to it its your choice

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