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Although some may disagree with me on this matter.

It is my opinion that in as much as the constitution of the United States applies equally to all people and is a public document.

Therefore all laws written under the guidelines of the constitution apply equally to all people and are public documents.

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Q: Why should laws apply equally and be public?
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It made laws public and required judges to apply the law equally.

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The idea that laws should apply equally to all people is called "equality under the law" or "rule of law." This principle ensures that all individuals are subject to the same legal standards and are treated fairly within the legal system, regardless of their status or position.

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The question makes no sense. Regardless of who or what you are, the laws apply equally to EVERYONE.

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Yes, laws regarding the production of electronic documents apply to both private and public businesses.

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Copyright law applies virtually equally to both "hard copy" and digital works.

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The concept that laws should apply equally is known as the principle of equality before the law. This principle ensures that all individuals are subject to the same laws and are treated equally under the legal system, regardless of their social status, wealth, or power. It promotes fairness, justice, and the rule of law in a society.

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Yes, if there is intent to mislead the readership and malign the subject party by deliberately disseminating false information in a public forum. Libel laws would apply regardless.

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antitrust laws only apply to businesses. labor unions and most public utilities are not businesses. that's why the post office for example, isn't subject to antitrust laws because technically the post office is not a business. actually labor unions and public utilities are exempt from antitrust laws. Antitrust laws do not only apply to businesses but it also applies to industries as well. The following are exempt from antitrust laws: Labor Unions, Public Utilities - electric, gas, and telephone companies, Professional Baseball, Cooperative activities among U.S. exporters, Hospitals, Public Transit and water systems, Suppliers of military equipment, and Joint publishing arrangements in a single city by two or more newspapers.

Who is at fault for car accidents on dirt roads?

If the dirt road is private property, the laws don't legally apply as they would on a public road. However, in the eyes of an insurance company, they would determine who is at fault using the same rules that apply on public roads.