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Those who are not capable of obtaining a thing or fulfilling their desires through a socially accepted manner try to have an alternate course at which they may not found any obstacle. Incompetent men know that a child having no sexual desire does not need satisfaction, whereas the man abusing a child is satisfied upto a certain extent.

There are a wide variety of motivations behind child sexual abuse, and entire books have been written on the subject. Some are looking for a stress relief, and the child is simply available. Some have a sexual preference for children. Some have complex emotional issues and rely on children to meet these emotional needs. In most cases, the abuser is known and trusted by the victim and in the community.

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15y ago

This is not really a legal question, it's a philosophical & anthropological one. Animals, including humans, are meant to be hard wired by our genes to protect our young. Why some people fail to protect some of the most vulnerable members of our society is a question I have no answer to.

All I know that is that demographically:

  • family members who abuse children have usually been abused themselves, creating an ongoing cycle of abuse.
  • the majority of children are harmed by family members - parents, then members of the extended family and siblings. Foster homes. After that it is people they know, who are in positions of trust - teachers, Scout & Guide leaders, childcare workers, ministers/priests, their friends' parents, sporting coaches etc. Staff at orphanages & children's homes.
  • The number of children kidnapped & held for ransom is minuscule. A very small number of people with the mental illness called paedophilia abuse children.
  • I have been a Community Worker & know that many dysfunctional families in Victoria are clients of the Office of Intellectually Disabled Services. There is a disproportionate number of mentally retarded people in the criminal justice system for harming or killing their children. They have no concept of the level of serious damage some physical actions can cause a child.
  • Some combination families, where the relationship breaks up very early & both parents move into other relationships, seems to be a blueprint for trouble; as the step-parent has no investment in a possibly resentful child who is not their own. This is worsened by the revolving door syndrome, where a woman (or occasionally a man) has a series of "Uncles/Aunties" passing through the house. Especially with attractive pubescent girls as part of the mix.

I guess one of the answers is "because they can". The boss shouts at someone, he feels disempowered but can't answer back or he/she will lose their job. So they hit the human who is too tiny to fight back, too inexperienced to ring Kidsline or complain to the police or Social Services & not yet capable of leaving home & surviving on the streets.

Some families in this situation may have married too early & so have not been prepared to give up their social life or stop engaging in the activities their 17 year old mates are doing. They may be struggling to live in overcrowded housing with insufficient income & no career prospects.

I am certainly not suggesting that people who hurt children are all from the "subclass" or underclass. Child abuse knows no boundaries across class or income levels. However it is miserable & disempowering, living on the dole (personal experience).

Hope this makes some sense. Just can't imagine hurting a child.

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11y ago

The easy answer is "power" or "because they can" but sometimes it relates to sexual preference. Some individuals have children as a primary sexual prefernce. If they act on those urges they are said to suffer from pedophilia (the medical condition). However, anyone who sexually assaults a child and is convicted is considered a pedophile (from the legal standpoint).

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