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some people don't want the police to know okay

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Q: Why only some violence crimes are reported to the police?
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Weaknesses of the Uniform Crime Report?

UCR figures do not provide an annual per capita measure of crime frequency. Not all law enforcement agencies report crime to the FBI, and those that do may fail to report crime uniformly. The same kind of crime may vary in definition among jurisdictions. The UCR only reports arrests, not the actual amount of crime, meaning if someone is arrested for robbery, but possess burglary tools, a concealed weapon, and stolen property, all of these events are crimes, but robbery would be the only one reported on the UCR.

What is the different between the UCR- Universal Crime Report and the NCVS- National Crime Victimization Survey?

The Uniform Crime Report (UCR) is a program run by the FBI that collects data on crimes reported to law enforcement agencies, providing statistics on crime rates. The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics and surveys individuals to gather information on crime victims and their experiences, including crimes not reported to the police.

What are the three major concerns of the accuracy of the UCR?

The three major concerns regarding the accuracy of the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system are: Underreporting: Many crimes go unreported due to various reasons like fear of reprisal or lack of trust in the police. Incomplete reporting: Even if crimes are reported, not all incidents may be accurately recorded or categorized by law enforcement agencies, leading to incomplete data. Reporting bias: The UCR relies on data reported by law enforcement agencies, which can be subject to biases such as racial profiling or selective enforcement, potentially skewing the accuracy of crime statistics.

How can we reduce the killings between the police and the minorities?

The most effective way to reduce police shootings would be for individuals in high-crime neighborhoods (1) to stop committing crimes (obviously this refers to only those individuals who were considering committing crimes) and (2) to do everything possible to comply with a police officer's demands. If it happens that you were treated in a degrading way by the police, the proper time to assert your right to dignity is AFTER the arrest by filing suit against the police department.Another thing that has been shown to reduce violence by police officers is forcing the police officers to wear body cameras. Both police officers and suspected criminals tend to behave better when evidence of their conduct will be incontrovertible.Finally, police should not have military vehicles or other forms of military surplus in their possession.

Do the police keep prison records?

The police do keep detailed prison records when a person has been imprisoned. This is typically stored in a confidential database. The police will only disclose details of past crimes when a DBS check is requested.

What websites do police use?

When investigating crimes they can, and will, use any website that may be helpful. They are not restricted to only using certain ones.

Is a Bernina with the serial number 48102358 stolen?

Only way to find out is to go to the police. If it has been reported, they will let you know.

Can an insurance agency find out about a claim or accident even if there was no police involved or report on it when asked about your past accident history?

Yes, CLUE reports monitor anything paid by any insurance company regardless of a police report. Therefore, only if you reported the accident to the insurance company or they reported it. If you did not, and they did not, and there was no police report(for example you did some kind of direct negotiation or something) only then is there no way they are going to find out.

Why is the National Guard always called in to settle a riot instead of the FBI or State Police?

It only appears that the National Guard is always called because only large riots that exceed the capability of the police will be widely reported by the national media. Most instances of riotous behavior are handled by the local police, but if the situation requires additional manpower and equipment, they will request assistance from the state police. The state governor will be asked to call up units of the National Guard only when even more resources are required. The FBI investigates federal crimes and usually has no authority in state or local law enforcement. They do not have the resources for riot control.

What are some strengths and weaknesses of the Uniform Crime Report?

The uniform crime report is compiled by the FBI to allow people to compare crime rate between cities and over time. For example, crime rates from New York City can be compared to the crime rates in a small town.The strengths:The final data is independent of population and is readily available to everybody.The data is taken from all police stations in the United States.The UCR differentiates between violent and property crime, so larceny is not on the same level as rape.The weaknesses:The UCR only counts the crimes that are reported to the police, and is not the most detailed picture of crime possible in some areas. Some crimes are not reported when the victim either feels it's unimportant or is embarrassed to talk about it, and so that crime is not a part of the crime rate.Only counts 8 specific crimes. (There are 4 violent index crimes and 4 property index crimes.)The UCR is not very detailed. It reflects crimes in each category, but not other circumstances affecting the incident.The UCR is prone to small errors, For example, if a crime is labeled wrong it is discounted.

Within modern democratic countries who has the legitimate use of violence?

Usually, in all modern states, be they democracies or dictatorships, the only authority with the legitimate use of violence is the STATE and its appointed actors (military, police, security agents, etc.).

Why is motor vechile theft a part one crime?

Motor vehicle theft is classified as a Part One crime because it involves the unlawful taking of a motor vehicle. Part One crimes typically include serious offenses that are reported to law enforcement and are tracked by the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program. This classification helps to prioritize law enforcement resources and identify trends in criminal activity.