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cause ur a cheater

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Q: Why is your spouse taping your phone calls?
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Name something you would thank your spouse for doing and persecute a stalker for?

showing affection senging flowers/ cards phone calls

Is their an affair going on your spouse is sending and receiving email from a former boss who has left the company three years ago she deletes them all the talk on cell phone she deletes the numbers?

It appears that an affair can be going on because if your spouse was just keeping in touch with a boss they happened to like as a friend then the spouse would have no problem asking them home for dinner and introducing you to them. The fact your spouse is deleting emails and any cell phone calls means your spouse is hiding something. It is time to sit down with your spouse and ask them straight out if they are having an affair and if they deny it then tell them you are not putting up with deleted emails and cell phone calls.

How would one go about trusting their spouse when their spouse gets phone calls from ex lovers all the time especiallly when they come to town?

I would hope you would have told your spouse to let the callers know each time they call "I am involved now, and speaking with you is innapropriate, please don't call me anymore" If they have done that, the phone should eventually stop ringing. If the calls don't stop, you should have a serious talk about how it makes you feel.

Is it legal for a collection agency to threaten to call your spouse?

They can call him. All he needs to do is tell thm it is not his debt and he wants them to stop contacting him. However, though the account is in your name. If you reside in a community proerty state, it is also his debt BTW, anything you perceive as a threat by a collection agency. Could be deemed an illegal action on their part. If your state allows the taping of phone calls. I believe you would be wise in recording all conversations you/your spouse have with the agency. Good Luck Nikki

What is a phone log?

A list of phone calls. Can be either calls received or calls to be placed.

What if a boy calls you on the phone?

if a boy calls you on the phone then he likes you or loves you

How do you get your cell phone calls back on your phone?

click on the green button and you will get your phone calls back on your cell phone

Record Cell Phone Calls?

There are many reasons to record cell phone calls, from the cloak-and-dagger to the very prosaic. Therefore, there are programs and applications available which can be used to record cell phone calls. While some of these programs are installed by an employer, parent or spouse who wishes to record calls without the phone user knowing the calls are being recorded, others can be installed easily by a phone user who wants to record cell phone calls for future reference, or to deal with callers who are harassing her or otherwise conducting illegal activity with their calls. To save time and money on software to record cell phone calls, especially when this is being done without the phone user's knowledge, it is possible to buy a phone with the software already installed. However, most such phones offer features such as GPS tracking and SMS recording that you may or may not need if you just want to record simple phone calls. As with any other purchase, deal with a reliable supplier and do not buy more features than you need. Also, make sure you follow all pertinent laws when you record cell phone calls.

What are cheap phone calls and how do they work?

Cheap phone calls are phone calls that do not cost much money. They work by saving you money that those phone calls would normally have cost you. If you have free minutes or you call collect these calls may be cheap for you.

What does it mean when your spouse calls you a piece of S?

It means your spouse has no respect for you and probably not himself/herself either.

Can one be punished for recording telephone conversations of a spouse?

In the UK - You are entitled to record your own telephone calls - so long as you notify the other person that you are doing so. If you record someone else's calls without their permission, that is phone tapping which is illegal.

The additional cable is for making phone calls?

The additional cable is for making phone calls