If your credit card is already being used, then someone has stolen the credit card information and is using it. Someone who works in a restaurant or retail establishment can be stealing your information. They have small hand held units they can run your card through, which reads the information encoded in the strip of your credit card, they then sell the information gathered to identity thieves. They then have your information to be able to use your credit card over the internet and by phone.
You should Immediately contact the Police.
A credit card is not a cheque guarantee card. A cheque guarantee card is no longer viable and is no longer being used due to scams.
No - its still a credit transaction. The PIN is simply used to verify you are the registered owner of the card.
Generally, no, your credit score will not be reduced if a credit card that you own is not being used. You don't, however, want to cancel the card - cancelling a credit card (whether voluntary or forced by the issuer) does reduce your credit score.
A debit card is connected directly to a bank account. The money being charged must be present in the account. A credit card is used with a promise to pay the creditor in the future.
No,thats wrong if there family its even worse
I depends if it's a credit card or not.
Credit card is used to buy things. This is the same thing as cash or a check.
A credit card account comes with a credit card, which can be used to authorize purchases of any value. The checking account does not come with a credit card and is used for issuing checks.
This is called Identity Theft. Contact your credit card company immediately and the credit bureaus on what you should do.
No, the Amazon credit card may only be used on Amazon's website. The credit card is almost like a gift card which again can only be used on the website.
A medical credit card is used like a credit card. If a person cannot afford to pay for a procedure directly out of pocket, they can use a special medical credit card to help pay for the procedure.