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Q: Why is the assassination of president James Garfield important?
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When did Assassination of James A. Garfield happen?

Assassination of James A. Garfield happened on 1881-07-02.

Who was the killer of James Garfield?

President James A. Garfield was killed by Charles J. Guiteau. The assassination occurred less than four months into Garfield's term as the 20th president of the Unietd States in 1881.

Who was the second president to die by assassination?

James Garfield was the second US president to fall victim to an assassin.

Was Garfield the cat have to do with president Garfield?

No, Garfield the cat was not named after President Garfield. The comic strip character Garfield was created by Jim Davis in 1978, while President James A. Garfield served as the 20th President of the United States from 1881 until his assassination later that year. There is no direct connection between the two.

James A. Garfield vice president?

No- he was never VP. He was an 8-term congressman when he was nominated for president.

What event changed the republican party's on civil service reform?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What event changed the Republican Party's position on civil service?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What event changed the republican party's position on civil reform?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What event changed the republican party's position on civil service reform?

The Assassination of President James Garfield

What event changed the Republican Party position on civil service reforms?

The Assassination of President James Garfield