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Why is private property, and the protection of property rights, so critical to the success of the market system?

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Q: Why is private property and the protection of property rights so critical to be success of the market system?
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Why is private property and the protection of property rights so critical to the success of the market system?

Type your answer here... Why is private property, and the protection of property rights, so crucial to the success of the market system?

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why is private property,and the protection of propeerty rights critical to the success of the market system?

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There are quite a few critical success factors for a restaurant. Restaurants must be clean, offer friendly service, and deliver food quickly.

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Anti-Federalists believed that the addition of a Bill of Rights to the Constitution was critical to the success of the new Federal Government.

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Can someone resist if the government wants his or her property?

This is a very broad topic with thousands of cases that cover a broad spectrum of decisions. A person can certainly hire an attorney to represent them against an eminent domain taking, however, over the last several years many courts have decided against the property owners going so far as to take perfectly good and desirable private property and hand it over to private commercial developers. Some states have been much worse than others in the confiscation of private property for commercial development. Some states have stricter laws that govern such takings and provide greater protection for the property owner. The success and ease of the taking can depend on the purpose. The takings that are most difficult to fight are those for such purposes as road alterations, utility lines, schools and parks. In those cases the property owner can bring suit to obtain a larger monetary award for their land, however, the takings will prevail.

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