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The reason its so hard to impeach a president is because it takes the senate, the house and the chief justice to do it. There must be a majority vote in the House and a 2/3 vote in the senate with the Chief Justice presiding.

In the case of Clinton it was hard for the senate to try him under the Constitutional wording of, "Treason, Bribery or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

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Q: Why is it so hard to impeach a president?
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Let's Impeach the President was created in 2006.

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Yes, hearings to impeach a president always start in the senate.

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The hearings to impeach a president do not start in the Senate. They start at the House of Representatives before proceeding to the Senate.

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The House of Representatives can impeach the President. If they find that the President has violated his/her oath, they may start the process.

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Only the House of Representatives is empowered to impeach the president. Then it is the job of the Senate to try him/her.

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The House of Representatives can impeach the President. The Senate conducts the trial and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides for the President.

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The Senate in the United States has the power to impeach the president and remove him from office. The president does have to have a trial prior to impeachment.

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