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Q: Why is it so difficult to dismiss a superior judge?
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it was hard to judge paris because the city is so pretty and the girls so kind

Difficult as the judgment of Paris?

it was hard to judge paris because the city is so pretty and the girls so kind

What is unjust dismissal?

If the Plaintiff or the Prosecutor disagreed with the judge's decision to dismiss the charges against the plaintiff/defendant, they might characterize the judge's decision as "unjust" meaning they did not agree with the judge's legal reasoning for doing so. OR -- in an employment situation -- it might refer to the dismissal of an empolyee under conditions that were not according to prevailing law or procedure.

Can you amend a complaint after a 12b motion to dismiss?

So long as a court has not ruled on a pending Motion to Dismiss, you may amend your complaint.

How long should it take to get an answer on a voluntary dismissal of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Normally takes a week or so. It depends on if the Judge orders a hearing (which some do, some don't). If there is a hearing, normally a few days later there will be an order to dismiss.

Is it proper to request an evidentiary hearing in a civil matter when you have not received the requested discovery from Plaintiff but the judge will not dismiss the case based on this fact?

This question touches on several issues. (1) you can file a motion requesting an evidentiary hearing if you like - it will either be granted or denied. (2) If you have filed for discovery then the plaintiff MUST comply with the order - the question then becomes, how much time is enough time to produce it? (3) The judge may not be inclined to do a full dismissal of the case, pending the delivery of the discovery material. How do you KNOW the judge won't dismiss the case? Have you filed a motion for dismissal and been denied? If so, the denial should have stated on what grounds the request was denied.

The opposite of dismiss?

Dismiss means to direct to disperse or go, to give permission to leave or reject. So the opposite would be retain, welcome, or accept.

What is a common error of defective charges?

What is a common ERROR, or what is a common RESULT?A common result of a defective charge is that the judge may well dismiss the defective charge WITHOUT PREJUDICE, which gives the prosecution the opportunity to re-file the proper (or amended) charge if they wish to do so.

What is a negative aspect of being a judge?

Well, it is VERY difficult to even become a Judge. You have to first attend Law School and become an Attorney (the more experience, the better) (Law school takes typically 7 years) So let's say you're an Attorney for 5 years. That's 12 years right there. Then, to become a Judge you have to do many things (can't remember, but it's a laundry list) and the city has to vote for you to become the Judge. You never know what competition is with you, so all that training could lead to you not being voted in as the Judge. it would obviously be 1000x more difficult if you tried becoming a Judge in a major/large city - such as Manhattan, Denver, Tampa, etc. Becoming a Judge in a smaller city would be easier, but like I said - to get to the point is tough. You must have tons of time on your hands.

How long can a lien be held against a corporation if its dissolved?

a dissolved corporation is not a corporartion. a superior court judge will hear any case to see if the "veil" of the corporation can be punctured. If so, the lien holder can sue the officers separately.

How do you use the word judgment in a sentence?

It's so easy to pass judgment on others, but so difficult to pass judgment on oneself.