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Q: Why is it important to adhere the fitt principles?
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In what kind of exercise would you use the FITT model?

Cardio exercise

What is the birth name of Gerry Fitt?

Gerry Fitt's birth name is Gerard Fitt.

When was Matthew Fitt born?

Matthew Fitt was born in 1968.

What does f stand for in FITT?

The F in FITT stands for Frequency. Fitt stands for Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.

Which set of principles are essential to upholding high standards of behavior that leaders must adhere to?

People can not know which set of principles are essential without knowing the principles. This information is needed to answer this correctly.

Sentence for adherence?

I had to adhere a piece of wood back on that chipped off.

Which set of principles are essential to uphold high ethical standards of behavior that leaders must adhere to?

People can not know which set of principles are essential without knowing the principles. This information is needed to answer this correctly.

When did Alfred B. Fitt die?

Alfred B. Fitt died in 1992.

What has the author Andrea J Fitt written?

Andrea J. Fitt has written: '\\'

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Tukkaa Fitt was created on 2012-02-17.

What was the goal for raising a child in a puritain society?

That it would be god-fearing and sober, and adhere strictly to Protestant principles.

Which set of principles are essential to upholding high ethical standards of behavior that leaders much adhere to?

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