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Q: Why is it illegal to wash your car on a Sunday in Switzerland?
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What are some weird Switzerland laws?

It is illegal to wash your car on Sunday - clothes may not be hung to dry on Sunday - it it illegal to flush the toilet after 10 pm - a man may not relieve himself while standing up after 10 pm - it is illegal to produce, store, sell and trade absinth but it is legal to consume it - it is required that every car with snow tires has a sticker on its dashboard saying that the driver should not drive faster than 160 km/h with these tires - if you forget your car keys inside the car and you leave the car open, you will be punished.

What country is it illegal to slam your car door?


Is it illegal to ride on top of a car through a car wash?

No, it is not illegal to ride on top of a car through a car wash, though I would not recommend it because it could be dangerous and you could get hurt doing it.

Is it illegal to wash your car?

Different countries have different rules. So which country you are talking about?

In Denver it is illegal to drive what color car on Sunday?

There is no law like that in the United States.

Is it illegal to ride through a car wash in a truck bed in Ohio?

It is incredibly illegal. So If you were dared, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DO THIS!!

Is it illegal to wash your car with a hosepipe in south Africa?

Only during water shortages and water restrictions are enforced.

Is it illegal to wash someones car on a driveway?

no, as long as you have permission from the owner, or are friends with the owner. if bot, it will be considered trespassing.

Why did Switzerland make it illegal to slam a car door?

its not illegal any more and if it was its because they are weird.

What is the best car wash song?

Music associated with the car wash was popularized by the song 'Car Wash'. The song Car Wash was sung by soul singer Rose Royce in 1976. Car Wash is the best car wash song.

Is car wash 3 or 2 syllables?

Car wash has two syllables. (car-wash)

What is a mobile car wash?

a mobile car wash is when you stick you're mobile phone out of the window when your car is having a car wash