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The actor, John Wilkes Booth is an infamous figure in US History. He assassinated US President Abraham Lincoln as Lincoln was seated at Ford's theater on April 14, 1865. He died the next day.The death of Lincoln, entirely changed the direction of Reconstructing the South. It was a major disaster.

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John Wilkes Booth is important because he assassinated President Abraham Lincoln in 1865. This act had a significant impact on the nation, leading to the trauma and chaos of the post-Civil War era. Booth's actions helped shape the course of American history and marked a turning point in the country's transition from war to reconciliation.

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Who did john Wilkes boothe assassinate?

John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln.

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John Wilkes Boothe was an actor for the Ford Theater Company.

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John Wilkes Boothe planned on, and succeeded in, killing Union president Abraham Lincoln.

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He got shot in the head by John Wilkes Boothe

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He was assassinated in Ford Theater by John Wilkes Boothe.

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