Many people claim that education should be free. In some nations, education is without charge through advanced degrees while in others only education through high school is provided, and some nations not even that. The reason free education to any extent is important is that the world is technologically advanced and requires a citizenry to be at least basically educated to function as a productive member.
Education should be free
There should be more free universal education because it would make the world a better place.
Eleanor Harriet Rivett
strong education
Education is & it is related. Not all can get it or get it for free. Take what you can it would be foolish to do otherwise.
the govt should set up free schools for adults
Education, Business and Free Verse
That is a yes and no question. The better the education of the citizens of a nation, the greater its economic prosperity. You choose.
The three basic principles of public education are that schools should be free and supported by taxes and that teachers should be trained. Children should also be required to attend school.
A size 7.5 in mens should be a 9.5 in womens.
A size 7.5 in mens should be a 9.5 in womens.