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Hezbollah and the Syrian regime have a lot in common with each other. The Syrian regime is run by Shiites just like Hezbollah. The Syrian regime hates Israel and America just like Hezbollah. All these common factors makes the Syrian regime to support Hezbollah.

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Q: Why does Syria support Hezbollah?
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Who Syria support?

Syria support, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iraqi resistance, and all freedom fighters in this world.

Where is Hezbollah located?

Hezbollah's primary areas of activity are Lebanon and Syria.

Which country supports Hezbollah financially?

Iran and Syria.

Do Hezbollah officials live in Lebanon?

Some of Hezbollah's senior leadership live in Lebanon and the remainder live in Syria and Iran.

Which countries consider Hezbollah to be a terrorist organization?

There are a few countries that consider Hezbollah to be a terrorist organization. Jerusalem, Israel, Pakistan, Syria, and Pakistan are a few countries that deal with Hezbollah.

How does the Lebanese military feel about Hezboaah?

The Lebanese Military is generally wary of Hezbollah, primarily because Hezbollah is stronger than the Lebanese Military and Hezbollah takes its marching orders from Assad's Syria and Iran, not the Lebanese people, which means that Hezbollah could act in contravention to Lebanese welfare.

Do the Israelis fear Hezbollah more than Hamas?

Israelis fear Hezbollah's capabilities more than they fear Hamas's capabilities since Hezbollah has superior numbers, better training, and superior weaponry. However, Israelis fear Hamas more because Hamas is a persistent threat whereas Hezbollah has other issues on its radar, such as maintaining power in Lebanon, fighting to support Assad in Syria, and Iranian sloganeering.

What connection does Iran have to Hezbollah?

Iran is believed to support Hezbollah financially and provide military aid for the group.

What was the effect of Hezbollah's demonstrations in 2005 Lebanon in?

Syria removed all of it's military troops from Lebanon.

What was the effect of Hezbollah's demonstration in Lebanon in 2005?

Syria removed all of it's military troops from Lebanon.

Syria has played no role in the problems of Lebanon?

FALSE -- Syria Occupied Lebanon from 1990-2006 and is a huge supporter of Hezbollah, giving it a strong influence in Lebanese politics post-Occupation.

How come the world chooses to forget that the Iranian nuclear warhead manufacturing facilities in Natanz and Arak support Shiite Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon and Baghdad?

Answer 1The world chooses to forget that the Iranian nuclear warhead manufacturing facilities in Natanz and Arak support Shi'ite Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon and Baghdad because the US has the matter in control.Answer 2The question makes incorrect assumptions or claims that can help to explain why people may disagree with its views. (1) Hezbollah does not operate in Baghdad, but only in Syria and Lebanon. (2) While the Iranian government certainly supports Hezbollah, the research facilities at Natanz and Arak do not assist Hezbollah; rather, they are conducting research into the methods by which uranium can be enriched. The two problem-issues are being created by the Iranian government separately.