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Pursuant to the UN Resolution 242, Israel is allowed to manage all territories taken in the 1967 Six-Day War until such time as a Peace Treaty can be signed giving those territories to the proper nations to which they belong. East Jerusalem was part of the former Jordanian territory of the West Bank. When Israel reached a formal peace with Jordan, Jordan ceded its claim to Jerusalem and the West Bank to the nascent Palestinian Authority. Upon a formal peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinians will most likely reclaim East Jerusalem.

It is notable that what is illegal internationally, with regards to the Israeli control of East Jerusalem is not that control per se, but the changes in terms of neighborhoods and Demographics. In theory, the territory is supposed to remain unaltered, but this is not the case under the current Israeli administration. These changes are both part of the city's natural growth and an attempt to make more neighborhoods in prime locations Jewish neighborhoods.

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8y ago

Under international law, Israel is indeed occupying East Jerusalem illegally. While Israel is the legal controlling power, it is prohibited from displacing Palestinians and from proclaiming East Jerusalem to be Israeli territory. This is what is illegal about the occupation. Some conservative Jews see it as a religious duty. Other Jews are little if anything interested in religion, but Palestinian property comes cheap.

The Israeli government denies that the Palestinians have a hereditary right to any part of Jerusalem, but even if they do it is in Israel's national interest to have a unified Jerusalem as its capital.

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Israel does not occupy any of Jerusalem illegally.

Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

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The Old City of Jerusalem is located in the dead-center of the overall City of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is located in Israel, which is in the Middle East. The State of Palestine claims East Jerusalem, which includes a number of modern Arab neighborhoods and the Old City.There is much discussion concerning Jerusalem's proper legal nature and ownership:Today, the status of Jerusalem remains one of the core issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel annexed East Jerusalem and considers it a part of Israel, although the international community has rejected the annexation as illegal and considers East Jerusalem occupied territory. The international community does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and most foreign embassies are located in Tel Aviv and its suburbs. Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of a future Palestinian state. Israel, however, considers the entire city to be a part of Israel following its annexation of East Jerusalem through the Jerusalem Law of 1980.

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Yes. You have that completely accurate.Jerusalem is located in Israel, which is in the Middle East. The State of Palestine claims East Jerusalem, which includes a number of modern Arab neighborhoods and the Old City.There is much discussion concerning Jerusalem's proper legal nature and ownership:Today, the status of Jerusalem remains one of the core issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel annexed East Jerusalem and considers it a part of Israel, although the international community has rejected the annexation as illegal and considers East Jerusalem occupied territory. The international community does not recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and most foreign embassies are located in Tel Aviv and its suburbs. Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of a future Palestinian state. Israel, however, considers the entire city to be a part of Israel following its annexation of East Jerusalem through the Jerusalem Law of 1980.

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== == Jerusalem is a city in the State of Israel. East and West Jerusalem were unified under Israeli control in the Six Day War in June 1967.Jerusalem is not a country, but rather a city in Israel.

Is Jerusalem in Israel?

This is a very contentious issue. West Jerusalem is unquestionably in Israel, but for the entire city, there is more debate.Legal Status (De Jure)In 1949, the armistice lines between Israel and Jordan divided the city of Jerusalem into West Jerusalem (which was held by Israelis) and East Jerusalem, including the Old City (which was held by the Jordanians. In 1967, via the Six-Day War, Israel reunited the city of Israel under its control. However, according to UNSC Resolution 242, Israel must withdraw from territories occupied in the Six-Day War in return for a peace treaty with its neighbors. In 1994, Jordan, which was the country that had a legal right to Jerusalem, ceded that right to the Palestinian Authority and signed a peace treaty with Israel. As a result, Jerusalem contains both de jure Israeli territory (West Jerusalem) and the de jure non-Israeli territory (East Jerusalem) which is owed, theoretically, to the Palestinian State.Current Status (De Facto)Since 1967, Israel has controlled both West and East Jerusalem and in 1980 passed the "Jerusalem Law", which set up a unified municipal boundary for Jerusalem and annexed (illegally according to international law) East Jerusalem to Israel proper.

Why does Israel continue to illegally occupy East Jerusalem?

Answer 1Israel has started to occupy and build home for the jews whom are guarded by the IDF. In the future if the UN orders Israel to return the land to the Palestines, under article 33.4b it will say that our residents who are already living there will be homeless. Thus The UN will not be able to evict the residents and the illegally occupied land will never be returned to The Palestines.Answer 2The question misunderstands what it is illegal about Israel's presence in East Jerusalem. Pursuant to the UN Resolution 242, Israel is allowed to manage all territories taken in the 1967 Six-Day War until such time as a Peace Treaty can be signed giving those territories to the proper nations to which they belong. East Jerusalem was part of the former Jordanian territory of the West Bank. When Israel reached a formal peace with Jordan, Jordan ceded its claim to Jerusalem and the West Bank to the nascent Palestinian Authority. Upon a formal peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the Palestinians will most likely reclaim East Jerusalem.It is notable that what is illegal internationally, with regards to the Israeli control of East Jerusalem is not that control per se, but the changes in terms of neighborhoods and demographics. In theory, the territory is supposed to remain unaltered, but this is not the case under the current Israeli administration. These changes are both part of the city's natural growth and an attempt to make more neighborhoods in prime locations Jewish neighborhoods. It is unrealistic to suggest that a city should be allowed to modernize and grow in one area and be maintained without changes in the other half. As a result, Israel approves numerou construction projects in both West Jerusalem and East Jerusalem. Palestinians in East Jerusalem do not complain when the Israeli government builds new sewage pipes, repaves roads, builds better better mass transit, etc. in both halves of Jerusalem. They only complain when their neighborhoods begin to gentrify because the gentrification has possible political implications such as those discussed in Answer 1.

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Jerusalem is located in Israel in the Middle East, which is technically part of Asia, not Africa.

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Jerusalem, the city, is in the country of Israel. The country of Israel is to be found in the geo-political area called the "Middle East" and is part of the Asian Continent.

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Israel took control of East Jerusalem (where the Al-Aqsa Mosque is) in 1967, during the Six Day War. However, the Israeli administration chose to allow the mosque to remain under the administration of the Palestinian-led Islamic Waqf or Landtrust. The Israeli government does not "occupy" the mosque in the sense that it controls the the goings-on there.