girls want to have a baby for having fun
when prodigy grows up i am sure that he will want a baby.
just tell them right out....I want a baby with you
Baby What You Want Me to Do was created on 1959-08-07.
Yea... Nicki minaj did want to keep the baby but she did not want the baby to interfear with her career...
I wanna be your man by Blackstreet
You want to have a baby but you think you cant get pregnant
Baby I'm-a Want You was created in 1972-01.
breed. mostly breed what baby you want with a ditto.example: tauros breeds ditto=baby tauros. another way is to breed what baby you want with what baby you want example:tauros breeds tauros=baby tauros
I think she'd gladly want to have a baby with him...
It is not his choice, its yours. If you dont want his baby or any baby, then do NOT have sex with him. Bloody
It is not at all required to have a baby, it is up to you and what you want.