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Stalking is extremely subtle with not only someone who is truly being stalked, but by the law as there is a vast gray line between a heartbroken person trying to be around the person they may love or if a breakup has occurred and a true stalking of someone threatening because it may start out by the person sending gifts; then phoning; not taking no for an answer; becoming angry when they are ignored, etc. There are more stalkers (both men and women) that have either dated or been married to their victim that can stalk; threaten by email; cell phone; home phone; stealing items from their home; following the victim wherever they go and out of pure rage and jealousy it can lead to disaster. Often people feel that because an old boyfriend/girlfriend or an ex spouse is just 'mooning' over the breakup and will get over it or perhaps a student or coworker that is attracted to a person is 'cute' or of 'no consequence.' This can often backfire. The time to report stalking is when the person will not take no for an answer yet is following that person everywhere or threatening in any way physically or verbally.

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Q: Why do you think stalking is such a subtle issue?
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You need to see if he really is stalking you, or if you are just thinking that he is. If he really is, you need to talk to him and ask him why he is stalking you or tell someone else and get help from the police if needed.

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she'll think you are stalking her

Meeting with Robert Pattinson?

How about having your secret adorement for him and not stalking him. i think he would like that on his behalf