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Why do the Americans and Europeans drive on the right? We drive on the left in Australia too. To drive on the left is the natural thing to do. Previously people rode horses on the left to keep their sword hand free to deal with problems coming in the other direction.

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14y ago

Because: A good Turk passes on the Right - it is an old tradition from the Crusades.

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Q: Why do the British drive on the left?
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On which side of the road to the british drive?

They drive on the left.

What side of the road do British drive on?

They drive on the left side of the road.

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Because in India they drive on the left not on the right as we do in the U.S. This comes from the fact that India was a former British colony and in Great Britain they drive on the left. If you drive on the left the steering wheel will be fitted on the left.

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In the United States, we drive on the right side of the road. Most countries with British influence drive on the left side of the road.

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We drive on the left side from New Zealand's British heritage

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Kenya follows the British system of driving on the left side of the road.

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In Singapore, cars and other vehicles drive on the left of the road, as we do in Britain. This was due to its British past colonial history. So the steering wheel will be on the right as in vehicles in Britain. I believe that any vehicles with left -hand drive have to display a notice on the rear warning that they are a left-hand drive vehicle.

What is the only West Indian island possessed by the US where people drive on the left side of the road?

British virgin island

Why does India drive on the left side of the road?

A result of their history of being colonised by the British, which they simply decided not to change after independence.

Why does UK drive on the left?

In the days of the knights, horsemen would stay to the left so that they could carry their weapons in their right hand and be prepared for battle. The practice continued, since the British, like many cultures, tend to resist change. The whole world used to drive on the left (even Mediæval knights rode on the left at tournaments) and I think it was Napoleon who hated the British and decided that France would drive on the right. As his armies poured across Europe they took driving on the right with them.

Why do Americans drive on right and europeans on left?

British drove on the left because they would hold their lance under their right arm. Americans drove on the right because they had guns.

Do Chinese drive on the left or the right?

They drive on the left