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Life is so difficult because without mistakes or heart breaks. You wouldn't become a stronger person. With learning and conflicts; life becomes a mystery in itself. You can't be young and stay with the same girl/guy forever. You can't think that people with always understand, or that every guy is the same. Because their not. Enjoy when life's great, and when lifes bad, because you can only live once.

We have difficult lives because we are unaware of what our nature is: that we use everyone and everything purely for self-benefit, and that we need to rise above this.

How do you get up in the morning feeling joyful, confident, feeling like life has a purpose, that you feel like you're doing everything right, inspired by everything you see, and you head into your days with all your heart?

In other words...why is life so difficult?

Our lives are designed to lead us to a stage where we have to recognize why we live here and why we endure difficulties. It's not that we're born with the purpose of having a difficult life; the difficulty is only in the time it takes for the question "Why am I alive?" to ripen, intensify, and make us feel increasingly dissatisfied with life until this question is answered.

The Ego - The Reason for Life's Difficulties

The ego is our will to receive pleasure. I will perform any one of my calculations based only on how I can please myself, and using others and anything in my environment in order to do so. This is the only "evil" that exists in the world, and any pains or difficulties in life are only due to it.

Our ego is that I want to benefit at the other's expense. Moreover, I not only want to benefit at their expense, but I also want to feel good when it is bad for them. The other person has to have less than me. I need to be able to justify my position in relation to every person. My opinions and viewpoints justify what I call "me," and all these emerge and are based in our egoistic will to receive pleasure.

This is our nature; this is human nature. The general, altruistic nature situated opposite our ego arranges our situation in such a way that we will slowly come to recognize that we are actually the cause of the entire problem. This is why it is difficult for us to live.

"What are you talking about!?"

Jane is a housewife living in Alabama. She doesn't steal, and she has no intention to. She doesn't want a huge amount of money or to do bad to anyone. Jane lives a simple life, she's a regular housewife who takes care of her family, but through all this, she still feels bad, like something's always missing. Somehow, she's having a difficult life. So what about Jane?

It's the same for Jane too. Until we arrive at the recognition of human nature, of what we are-the egoistic will to receive pleasure that is inside me-and that this is the cause of the world's problems, we will continue to endure difficult lives without acknowledging our very nature as its cause. Once we arrive at this recognition, we then have a chance to rise above it, to exit our nature and enter into a new nature-the opposite, altruistic nature that created us.

The question is, how do we arrive at such a recognition of our nature, and moreover, how do we rise above it?

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10y ago

Why do people suffer? The Bible gives us a clear explanation:

Ecclesiastes 9:11"because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all" Sometimes we suffer because we are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Galatians 6:7 says "whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap" The things that we suffer can be a direct consequence of our own actions.

Many people fight wars, commit crimes, pollute the environment and do several other things motivated by self interest or greed. They do not show concern for how their actions could affect other people or even themselves.

Ecclesiastes 8:9 "All this I have seen, and there was an applying of my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, during the time that man has dominated man to his injury."

When they do these things without regard to themselves or others, many people suffer as a result. This is one of the causes of suffering.

Another reason for suffering, as the Bible explains, is what is stated at Romans 5:12. "That is why, just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned-."

Both good and bad humans suffer because of the sin and imperfection that we have inherited from our disobedient parents.

1 John 5:19 Explains one of the primary reasons that we all suffer. "We know we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."

We live in a world that functions on selfish principles and that rests in the power of "the wicked one". Because of this, the world that we live in is full of injustices and suffering.

Thankfully, the Bible offers a comforting promise. It tells us what God is going to do to end the suffering we all experience today.

Daniel 2:44, "And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite."

Revelation 21:3-4, "With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.""

We can hold close to our hearts the Bible's promise of a time when God will remove suffering and all its causes from the face of the Earth.


No matter how positive one can be we still tend to suffer. someone we love could die when life is going perfectly, you could live where there is know food and watch your children starve, you could be a teenager suffering from hormones, you could be so deeply spiritual that you suffer from watching the world in agony. Some of us take things harder than others and some of us just take it in our stride. It really depends on the sort of behaviour you have grown up around on how you handle the emotions of general drama within everyday life. Someone could say gee I had a bad week and laugh about it when its over. Where someone else could see it as a life lesson and feel stronger another could feel totally lost and wonder why me. Sociaty has a behavour expected that is governed through our police to keep order. It just got a little out of hand when tecnology got in now the suffering is greater bigger and more wide spread. But alas we need to suffer a little sometimes alot to really appreciate how truly lucky we are to be alive and deep suffering with in our world is within our grasp to change if we all helped those in third world we all could make a difference the world suffering.


Mankind is greedy and narrow minded. Also how else are we supposed to learn what not to do.


Because we sinned.

I think your question should be "why do people suffer?" People suffer because of the mental attitudes that that place on both physical and emotional pain. For example, its one thing for your back to hurt. Its another thing to add on top of that going around and complaining and dwelling on your hurting back and acting like life is miserable because your back hurts. The first example shows just pain, the second shows suffering because of the pain.

There is a Buddhist saying, "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional".

Another View:

Since you have Buddhism as a category for this answer also, I will give the Buddhist perspective:

Suffering exists because of our desires (cravings), aversions and ignorance.

Now it should be explained that the Pali word the Buddha used is Dukkha. As in all translations some words can't be translated one-to-one from one language to another. Dukka in Pali suggests a basic unsatisfactoriness with life, due to the fact that our lives are impermanent and constantly changing. So it means unease, disquiet, stress, not really suffering, but suffering sort of captures the overall meaning the Buddha was trying to describe in English.

The Buddha explained that our suffering doesn't come from without, but from within. That our desire to be taller, shorter, richer, cooler, drive a better car, live in a different place, etc. (Desires) drives us to be unhappy. Also the fact that we think life should be pain free, without fear and want (aversions) makes us unhappy. Finally not realizing how the world actually is and how it really works (ignorance) makes us unhappy. All these things are controlled within our mind.

Think of this example, two people are waiting for a late bus, one is fuming, and the other is whistling a happy tune. Why? The bus is late for both, but one is suffering, the other is not. Is the bus the problem or the person who is mad over something they can't control? Is getting mad going to make the bus come any faster?

Finally, there is a mantra I use to help remind me of how our minds control how we react. It is:

All experience is preceded by mind, Led by mind, Made by mind.

Speak or act with a corrupted mind, and suffering follows as the wagon wheel follows the hoof of the ox.

All experience is preceded by mind, Led by mind, Made by mind.

Speak or act with a peaceful mind, and happiness follows like a never-departing shadow.


Jewish view: Consider the two following quotes, which seem to clash. One is Isaiah 45:7, which clearly states that God "creates evil." The second is Eichah (Lamentations) 3:38, which says "from the mouth of the Most High, evil...did not result." The answer to the contradiction may be seen in a third verse, Proverbs 19:3, which says "the foolishness of a man corrupts his way, yet his anger is directed against God." Meaning, that while some evil is undoubtedly created by God (such as the death of an infant), a lot of evil is the result of humans' choices. The Torah reminds us that we have free-will (Dueteronomy 30:15-20); and without the possibility of bad results, free-will would be vitiated.

Entire books (such as Job) have long ago been written about the existence of suffering. Suffice it to say that Judaism sees the existence of evil or suffering as a test, and/or the result of our own (humans') bad choices, and/or a warning (such as pain, which shows you what part of your body needs repair) or a message (Genesis 42:22), and/or mere misinterpretation (such as the bee's sting, which to a child is unmitigated evil but which adults recognize as a protection for that insect which pollinates all fruit-bearing trees).

Also, when viewed in the context of the afterlife, when worthy people who suffered may be recompensed and the prosperous wicked will have the opposite, the apparent injustices of this world become easier to understand.

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15y ago

Resist the failure by understanding it.

At this article I'll post 10 reasons why people fail or have difficulties. The information is an extract from the book of Napoleon Hill - "Think and Grow Rich".

# Not clearly defined goal in life - No one could be successful in case that he doesn't have a clear goal in his life. 98 out of 100 people fail because of this reason. # Absence of ambition to jump over the average level - There is no hope for the one who is mindless to life-improvement and is not ready to pay the price for it. # Insufficient education - This could be overcame easily. Experience shows that best educated are self-though. Moreover education is based not on quantity but on its consistent and successful applying. You get money not for what you know in your head but for what you do. # Indiscipline - You should control the negative parts of your nature. To rule the situation you should first learn how to be a master of yourself. # Absence of tenacity - A lot of people are good of starting but not finishing their tasks. Even more, most of them quit their ideas on the first symptoms of failure. Be tenacious and always finish what you've started. # Negative personality - There is no chances for success for people who are in a negative mood. Such people could not have the cooperation of others. # Hesitation - All successful people take fast decisions. On the other hand failure is a friend of people who make stagnant decisions and always change them. # Fear - All kinds of fear lead to failure. You should overcome them to be successful. # Excessive cautiousness - If you don't take risks you should satisfy yourself with the crumbs on the table of someone else. # Stereotypes - Successful people don't follow any stereotypes.

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14y ago

there are so many reasons like:

they don't have any food

their parents drink

they are bullied


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