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Q: Why do left handed drive cars turns right?
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Related questions

Are cars from northern Ireland right or left handed?

Cars in Northern Ireland drive on the left hand side of the road.

What companies make left hand drive cars?

Because cars created with the ignition on the right side of the steering wheel universally, there yet no cars built specifically for left handed drivers.

What are some names of Right handed cars?

Well if you mean right hand drive than that would be cars such as Nissan, Toyota,Suzuki,Bentley,jaguar,BMW,and Kia just to name a few and these would be cars built in the uk,japan,and Korea

Are cars in Cyprus right hand drive?

right hand drive

Are cars in France left hand drive or right hand drive?

Cars in France are left hand drive (traffic drives on the right hand side of the road)

Does UK use left hand drive or right hand drive cars?

We drive on the left, so use rhd cars.

Right or left hand drive are cars in Ireland?

Yes. Yes, drivers in Ireland (North & South) drive on the left. The only difference between the two are the road signs. The signs in the Irish Republic use kilometers (metric) for distances and speed limits, while the signs in the North (UK) use miles (imperial).

What side of the road do you drive on in Italy?

On the right hand side (same as the US and Canada) When I was there in 1992, they drove practically wherever they felt like it ... on sidewalks, over curbs, executed left turns from the far right hand lane. Normally though, as stated above, they drive on the right side of the road as we do in the US ... most cars are left hand drive.

Are right hand drive cars legal in Iowa?

Only if you know how to drive them

Will right hand drive cars be banned in Canada?


What do cars in Vietnam look like?

Cars in Vietnam look like cars anywhere in the world. Toyota, Mercedes, BMW, Kia, Audi, Nissan ... are popular brand names here. Cars in Vietnam are left-handed drive.

Is it legal to drive right hand cars in Canada?
