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To get fair and better pay, to get shorter work weeks, to get healthcare, to get pensions, to prevent abuses by management.

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Q: Why do employees decide to unionize?
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Related questions

What group is allowed to unionize but not strike?

federal employees

What is minimum number of employees to unionize workplace?

There is no minimum limit for union.

Do all employees get a cost of living increase?

depends of the company you are wirking , if the organization is unionize ??

What is Age of automation and rise of the Service Sector?

unionize farm workers, service workers, and public employees.

How does Wal-Mart respond to employees attempts to unionize?

They basically claim that it isn't profitable enough to stay in business and shut down.

Life Care Centers of America law suits?

one of the worst abusers of their employees. zero benefits. keep hours low. threaten if want to unionize. all campuses are terrorized.

What is the full name of the law PELRA?

The full name of the PELRA law is:Public Employees Labor Relations ActThis law was produced in 1972 caused by a Minneapolis Teacher strike just two years before (1970). The law allows public employees to unionize, negotiate and strike with out getting fired.

In what country did walmart workers first unionize?


Is unionise or unionize correct?

Both "unionise" and "unionize" are correct spellings of the term, with "unionize" being more commonly used in American English, while "unionise" is more common in British English. Both forms mean the same thing, referring to the process of workers forming or joining a labor union.

Can an employer in the State of Michigan provide health insurance for only certain employees and deny others?

There are no state or federal laws that require your employer to offer health insurance. They can decide to offer plans to full time employees only. They can decide to offer to salaried employees only.

Do Walmart employees work 40 hours a week?

No. You can decide how many hours they work. If the work at least 32 hours a week they are considered full time employees and get all of the benefits. Less than 32 hours you don't have to give any benefits. Employees decide when employees get benefits. No statute sets a threshold.

Why might a business decide to use a coaching program for it's staff?

A business might decide to use a coaching program for its staff because it prepares employees for advancement and additional responsibility. It is good to train employees for business.