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Growing UpMany movies have pirates or ninjas in them, and the makers try to make them look cool to make money; they're automatically advertised to children when children watch them. Just like everything else that's advertised, kids'd normally want to be what appears cool.
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Because movies and literature for children tend to depict them as living a carefree live of harmless fun and adventure.

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Q: Why do children like pirates?
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What did Pirates like and did not like?

Pirates like gold. Pirates do not like Ninjas.

Where could one find songs about pirates to sing with children?

YouTube has numerous videos about pirates with associated songs. Talk Like a Pirate, Sing Up, Songs for Teaching and Majesty music are all online sources about pirates and music which one could sing to children

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Are pirates real today? Yes,but not like the pirates like in pirates of the cariben stealing in a sence says your a pirate.

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Married with Children - 1987 Peggy and the Pirates 7-18 was released on: USA: 28 February 1993 Finland: 1994

Do all pirates kill?

No, not all pirates kill people, some pirates are nice and some are nasty, malevolent and horrible like pirates of the Caribbean.

What were Tudor pirates like?

well tudor pirates were the meanest pirates throuout the land they did really bad punishments like exucuting and chopping their hands and/or fingers :B

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they were pirates

Where can you see memorabilia from pirates like Blackbeard's?

You can see memorabilia from Pirates like Blackbeard at the North Carolina Museum of History.

How are pirates like?

pirates are like old historic people that used to sail the sea and try to find gold duhhh

What do modern day pirates do if a pirates dies?

Um I think they have other pirates, like to take the place of the other pirate that died.

Do pirates have kids?

Its unknown if pirates have kids in the old days, like black beard or long john silver, but modern day pirates may be posing as soldiers to wives and kids but really be pirates in the high seas Pirates never had anytime to think about kids or wives or anything like that.