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There are no such things as aliens, come on have you honestly seen one in real life ?

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Q: Why do aliens hide form us?
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If the aliens are stronger than us what will our people do?

Good question! Nobody knows if there REALLY are aliens, but if you live in the U.S. I think you will be quite safe. Try to hide in the bathroom ;) -- I have your answers.

Is the navy hiding mermaids from us?

No, aliens would be more likely since they are terrestial (but mythical) they couldn't hide where we live.

Do aliens grow?

Yes, i do believe there are aliens out there. And they are just like us. Mayb not in the form of a human. They do grow. every living things do grow.

Are aliens different us?

are aliens different then us? yes because aliens are a strange foriegn

Can you get aliens to do me?

No. Since aliens do not appear to actually exist (somebody has to be the first form of intelligent life in the Universe, no reason to think it is not us), they cannot be gotten to do anything.

Where aliens come on the Earth?

There are no aliens known to exist, in real life. Sorry. Someone has to be the first form of intelligent life in the universe, and it might well be us.

Where would be a safe place to hide were aliens won't get you?

in the base ment

Aliens arenot real?

Aliens, (in my opinion) are definitely REAL. Because several pictures, sightings, and encounters had happened. In fact the United States government even knows about it, they even try to hide it. People have found real aliens before the government just tries to hide it.

Are aliens going to contact earth in 2012?

No reason to think so. No reason to think there are aliens. Someone has to be the first form of intelligent life in the universe and it may be us.

How would aliens refer to us?


What do you have to do with the aliens?

Become friends, have a good time and hide him from the goverment seriously they are serious about that.

When was The Aliens Among Us created?

The Aliens Among Us was created in 1969.