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Q: Why did the central government not have a national court system?
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What does federal do?

A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units.

What is pertaining to the national or central government?

It usually called the federal government and individual agencies are mostly called the United States __________. ( Department of .., Court of ... , Treasury, etc,) It is centered in Washington, DC.

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Anti federalist did not want what in the new form of government?

The Anti-Federalists did not want the President, or the central government, to have as much power as was granted in the Constitution. They also did not want the national court system, as they feared it would intrude on local courts. The Right to own Slaves

The most important reason why the united states needed a national court system was that?

the United States needed a national court system when the constitution was written because the states were too independent and they were not acting as UNITED states, and instead as individual states. The leaders discovered that they had to create a strong, central government to create a strong independent country.

Did anti federalist not want included in the new form of government?

The Anti-Federalists did not want the President, or the central government, to have as much power as was granted in the Constitution. They also did not want the national court system, as they feared it would intrude on local courts. The Right to own Slaves

Did Anti-federalists not want included in the new form of government?

The Anti-Federalists did not want the President, or the central government, to have as much power as was granted in the Constitution. They also did not want the national court system, as they feared it would intrude on local courts. The Right to own Slaves

What did anti federalists not want including the new form of government?

The Anti-Federalists did not want the President, or the central government, to have as much power as was granted in the Constitution. They also did not want the national court system, as they feared it would intrude on local courts. The Right to own Slaves

What did anti-federalist not want included in the new form of government?

The Anti-Federalists did not want the President, or the central government, to have as much power as was granted in the Constitution. They also did not want the national court system, as they feared it would intrude on local courts. The Right to own Slaves

Anti-Federalists not want included in the new form of government?

The Anti-Federalists did not want the President, or the central government, to have as much power as was granted in the Constitution. They also did not want the national court system, as they feared it would intrude on local courts. The Right to own Slaves

What did anti federalist not want included in the new form of government?

The Anti-Federalists did not want the President, or the central government, to have as much power as was granted in the Constitution. They also did not want the national court system, as they feared it would intrude on local courts. The Right to own Slaves

What idea was outlined in the Virginia Plan in making the constitution?

It proposed scrapping the Articles of Confederation entirely and creating a new central government. A two-house legislature that would choose the president and supreme court justices