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They wanted the people to have a role in selecting the president. Giving the vote solely to Congress takes it much more out of the hands of the people.

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Q: Why did some people criticize and early plan to allow congress to choose the president?
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Why did some people criticize an early plan to congress to choose the president?

They wanted the people to have a role in selecting the president. Giving the vote solely to Congress takes it much more out of the hands of the people.

Why did some people criticize an early plan to allow to choose the president?

They wanted the people to have a role in selecting the president. Giving the vote solely to Congress takes it much more out of the hands of the people.

How the president and the congress of the US elected?

THE president is elected by the electrol college. Congress is elected by the people

Who holds sovereign power in the US?

The people are given sovereign power by God. The government is accorded limited authority by the people.

What do the people in Mexico vote for?

President, congress, governor, state and municipal congress.

Why do some people criticize plans for the direct popular election of the president?

Some people criticize the process of taking the popular vote because the electoral college are the votes that determine who wins. Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000, but George Bush won the electoral college and became president.

What is the name of the annual speech given by the president to update congress and the people?

The annual speech given by the president to update Congress and the people is called the State of the Union address.

How can congress pass a vetoed law from the president?

What the congress has to do first is they have to get a hole lot of people to say YES to the law. They have to out vote the president.

Is the president a better representative of the people than congress?

No. He is not king and congress represents their states and districts.

Who is job is it to make job bills for people to worK the congress or the President of the US?

Only Congress can pass bills into law. However, the President can propose laws and work with Congress to get them passed..

Who choose Washington choose for gov?

Congress picked all presidents. People didn't vote in the 1700's.

Who chooses the president of the republic of china?

The Chinese President is elected by the National People's Congress in accordance with Article 62 of the Constitution.In fact there is only one candidate in these elections and he is recommended by the Presidium of the National People's Congress.