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Q: Why constitution is called as fundamental law of nation?
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Fundamental law of the nation are most relying upon what source of law?


How might california's constitution be improved by a separation of statutory and fundamental law?

a fundamental law is but constitutional law

What does it mean that the constitution is a fundamental law of the land is the only source of law in Ghana?

because constitution is the suprem law of the one can ever make a law which is against all laws are derived by keeping it in just keep in mind the constitution of the country and think it fundamental.

Difference between fundamental law and statutory law?

Fundamental law is the law determining the constitution of the government of a state, while statutory law is the body of laws created by legislative statutes.

What document is the highest law in the nation?

the United States Supreme Court

What is the fundamental law that undergirds the structure of a modern democratic government?

The Constitution

What is the of the document that forms the fundamental law of a state government?

The state constitution

The fundamental law of state governments written in?

each states constitution.

The fundamental law of state government is written in?

each states constitution.

The constitution as a fundamental law of the land is the only source of law in Ghana.discuss?

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What is the name of the documents that form the fundamental law of a state government?

The state constitution

What was the fundamental law of the US that was framed in 1787 and put into effect in 1789?

The constitution