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Then they have successfully over-ridden the President's veto and that bill becomes law.

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Herbert Boyer

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2y ago
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15y ago

The idea of checks and balances comes to play in this issue. The house that originally passes the bill just needs a simple majority to have it go to the executive branch. If it is vetoed by the president, it is sent back to the house in which it originated. In order to override the veto, it is much more difficult for congress. They need to obtain a two thirds majority in each house for the veto to be overridden. Because in more cases than not, the bill did not pass with this high of a majority, it is very difficult for the veto to be overridden. Until recently the average override was 1 of every 18 vetoes. It has increased in later years to be 1 in every 5.

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12y ago

The congressional override is part of the Constitution's "Checks and Balances."

The Judicial, Executive, and Congressional branches have means to prevent another branch from unilateral control of the government.

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15y ago

The House and Senate can vote a bill into law even if the president vetoes it.

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13y ago

If the president Veto's a bill it does not become a law. But if 2/3 or more of Congress wants to make the bill a Law, Then they can Override the presidents veto.

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12y ago

if they revote if 2/3 vote for it in the second its a law

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Q: Why can congress override presidential veto?
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Who Can override the veto with enough votes?

Congress can override a presidential veto

What is the procedure of Congress to override a presidential veto?

Congress can override with 2/3 vote.

How many congress override a president veto?

To override a President's veto Congress needs to have 2/3 or more of the vote.

What percentage vote is required to override a presidential veto?

Each chamber must have a 2/3rds vote in order to override a presidential veto. Congress rarely overrides a presidential veto.

How can we override a president's veto?

It takes a 2/3 majority of both houses of Congress to override a Presidential veto.

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A two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress will override a presidential veto.

Who can override a presidential veto with 23 majority vote?

Congress can do this.

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Congress can override a presidentil veto with 2/3 (60%) of a vote calling for it to be overridden ...

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What branch can pass laws over the president's veto?

Congress. If there is a 3/4 majority vote, Congress can override a presidential veto.

Congress need to override a presidential veto where is this provided?

This is part of the US constitution.