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That's because the federal government does not have complete control over the states, each state still being considered "sovereign." The Constitution specifically allows for specific state's rights that the Federal Government has no control over, such as education and driving age.

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16y ago

different countries have different laws because there are different leaders in a country and they have their own opinion and when they think of rules they discuss it with their party and then it is enforced but they never go tell other countries what they are going to enforce so other leaders come up with their opinion and enforce their laws.

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12y ago

States within the USA pass laws that affect the needs and wants of each individual State. All legislative duties not covered by the US Constitution are reserved for the States that in fact ratified the Constitution. Thus if a US State wishes to pass legislation to banish the death penalty they are free to do so. If a State wishes to raise the taxes on gasoline, it is free to do so. These are two simple examples of what a US State can do. The latter example might be passed if the State determines it needs the increased revenue to balance its annual budget. These actions I described have no affect on other US States.

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14y ago

Because of the way our country was set up. It was originally formed as a confederacy of 13 independent states. The states later gave up their independence to become a unified nation, but in doing so retained substantial authority to govern themselves.

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10y ago

According to the theory of jurisprudence, using the principle that 'Justice is blind' every complaint deserves an equal hearing.

The result is that every domain of law is addressed independently, is 'given its own case'.

Some scholars have compared the division of jurisprudence to the Biblical story of Babel, where "the peoples were divided by their tongues."

A more modern theory might be to use general theories to generalize laws over multiple domains.

For example, Immanuel Kant proposed categorical imperatives, by which one should only will "that maxim by which the result of one's action may be taken as a universal law."

Kantianism is one of the major theories of morality.

Nathan Coppedge introduces the theory that morality may be a function of opposites which contextualize the coherent theory of a given context.

For example, he says that beautiful stoics must be sensitive about ugliness. Apparently, these sorts of definitions transcend imperatives.

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8y ago

This question speaks to the differences in laws among various countries. Each nation sets forth laws and regulations that fit the circumstances that prevail in that nation. No nation has a duplicate self in an other part of the world. So as an example, fossil fuel emissions may require certain regulations in Country A, but do not apply to a much smaller nation, a Country B, that has fewer automobiles and has electric power from nuclear plants.

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