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It is only important to those who want to be free to live life as they see fit within the bounds of not violating the liberty of others.

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Q: Why are the five basic liberties important?
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Why is it important to understand how a limited Government can secure the basic liberties of the American people?

Cause they wanted to make luv

What are the five basic liberties?

freedom to choose religion, freedom of expression, freedom to bear arms, freedom to vote, and the right to a speedy and fair trial

The basic argument against restricting civil liberties?

One of the most basic arguments against restricting civil liberties is that the government does not, or should not, have the power to do so in the first place. Many argue that restricting civil liberties violates freedoms protected in the Constitution.

Who needed to protect the basic liberties?

Bill Of Rice.............Rights

What are the five liberties in the first amendment?

The 5 liberties that are protected include: Religion, Speech, Petition of Grievances, Peaceful Assembly, and Press.

What guaranteed basic liberties and indicated some swing away from federalist centralizing?

The Bill of Rights guaranteed basic liberties, such as freedom of speech. The passage of the Bill of Rights signaled a swing away from federalist centralizing.

How did the red scare prompt the formation of the civil liberties union?

people feared that important American liberties were threatened

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What generalization about democracy is most valid?

Democratic governments protect basic civil liberties

What did the Nation Assembly Give to its charter of basic liberties?

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.

How did the red scare prompt the formation of American civil liberties union?

people feared that important American liberties were threatened

How did the Red Scare prompt the formation of the American Civil Liberties Union?

people feared that important American liberties were threatened