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Because there is always the possibility that an innocent person will be put to death, and those countries don't want that to happen.

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Q: Why are several countries opposed to the Death penality?
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When did Alaska abolish the death penality?

In 1957

Is the death penality a detterent to criminals?

Not always.

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In North America many people say that the death penality does not decrease serious crime However in Saudi Arabia where there is a death penality Serious crime is virtually non existent Why?

Mainly because the Americans thin kthat they will get a light punishment while in Arabia they use Moses law of chopping of hands and stoning, which realy sends a chill ion the spine.

Can a prosecutor seeking for death penality in state where it is not permitted?

You can't be sentenced to a state punishment that no longer exists on the states books. EXCEPT - if you are being tried in a federal or a military court, where the death penalty still applies.

What are the two requirements that must be met before an accused is eligible for the death penality?

1. Must be convicted.2.Added: They must have exhausted all their legal options for appeal and/or clemency.

Do Arabian nations accept Homosexuality?

No, in fact homosexuality is illegal in almost all Arab countries except Egypt, the West Bank, and Lebanon. Several Arab countries even have the death penalty for homosexuality.

Is the American independent party opposed to death penalty?

yes they want it

Why was Jeffrey Dahmer not in solitary confinement?

Steven Hicks, Dahmer's first victim, was murdered by Dahmer in 1978 while Dahmer lived in Bath, OH. Ohio citizens voted in favor of a death penality in 1981, several years after Hicks was killed, therefore Hicks' was not death penality case on that technicality.

In what countries is faces of death really banned?

The movie faces of death was banned in 40+ countries i believe the exact amount of countries is 48 im not sure thought

What countries give the death penalty to gay people?

The following countries give the death penalty to gay people:SudanMauritaniaNigeriaSomalilandSaudi ArabiaYemenIranMaldivesBrunei PakistanAfghanistan

What is the leading cause of the death of children in developing countries?

The leading cause of death in children in developing countries is protein-energy malnutrition.