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To slow traffic down, or if there is construction, they are used to warn people that there is construction ahead.

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Q: Why are 'rumble strips' installed on the down-slope of a steep long hill on a highway or roadway?
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'Rumble strips' used to alert motorists driving over them. (???)

What was the rumble over west side story?

After they plan it all out @ docs, they will rumble under the highway @ midnight

Why are there rumble strips on roads?

To alert sleepy/drowsy drivers when they drift off of the roadway

Why are there rigids indented on some of the shoulders of the Trans-Canada Highway?

I think you are referring to 'rumble strips.' If your automobile strays onto the shoulder of the highway, both the sound and the vibration your tires make as they drive over the rumble strips will alert you so you don't run your car off the road.

What is a rumble strip?

It is a series of grooves or bumps in the road that cause the tires of the car or truck to 'rumble' with noise when they go over it. The are often used in construction areas to slow cars down and on highway edges to warn drivers that they are going off the road. It will wake a sleeping driver up.

How does the TJ Rumble go?

Everybody do the Tj Rumble! Everybody do the Tj Rumble! Tj, what? what? Rumble! Oh-yeah!

What are four sentences for the word rumble?

I heard a rumble from my furnace.Most stomachs make a rumble noise when persons are hungry. "Ready to rumble!" the announcer yelled. The rumble outside my window awakened me.

What sounds does bowling make?

'thud, rumble rumble rumble, pkrak! Yeah!'

Can you receive a ticket if you do not slow down when coming across rumble strips on a highway?

yes because the law is you have to slow down when going over themAdditional: Rumble strips are customarily placed at locations where the speed limit changes (usually significantly) therefore, if you do not slow down to the new slower posted limit, yes, you could receive a ticket.

Is the royal rumble this week?

royal rumble was yesterday.

Are there any passwords for rumble?

there are not Any passwords for rumble............................................................................................................................................................................................

Is super Pokemon Rumble only on 3DS?

yes super pokemon rumble or pokemon rumble blast in America is only on the 3DS and pokemon rumble is only on the nintendo wii