Someone charged with a crime, or involved in a complex civil action, or a divorce.
i would employ a striper
You can only employ a lawyer who has passed her or his l.l.b. or a lawyer in the final year working under a lawyer.
The Shrine Hospitals do not employ Lawyers.
That is a matter of ethics rather than law. It would seem advantageous for an attorney to at least speak with the opposing counsel - but they may have their reasons not to do so. If you are unhappy with your attorney's performance employ a new attorney.
You either get a local lawyer in SA to employ an English lawyer to do it, or you hire an English lawyer yourself. For uncontested divorces you just need to provide the relevant information and signatures.
if you were a lawyer would you have to travel
Resources that could be employed in investigating a claim company by responding to the claim right away and ask for witness to interview. After, you have to come to a decision and decide whether or not you need to hire a lawyer.
For this sort of specialized legal work you need to employ the services of an attorney (lawyer) practicing in this area of law.
The type of lawyer that would deal with traumatic brain injury case would be medical lawyer, which is lawyer who has extensive knowledge in the field of health and medicine.
The kind of lawyers rich people have depend on what they need the lawyer for. If they need a lawyer for their business, they would have a corporate lawyer. If they need one for buying and selling property, they would have a real estate lawyer. If they have committed a crime, they would have a criminal lawyer.
My nephew, David, is a lawyer.
"Throughout a trial, a jury consultant will work with a laywer as a commentator or a reviewer of how the lawyer worked with a jury." A jury consultant is someone who has done extensive jury research. A lawyer will employ them to assist in selecting the jury and for assistance with the jury throughout the trial.