In Westchester county, New York, in the mid 1970's an unidentified shooter terrorized several communities by peeping in windows and firing his victims with inch long steel darts into their heads, necks and throats. The case was never solved and remains open and very cold.
The address of the Westchester Public Library is: 10700 Canterbury Street, Westchester, 60154 4203
There is no Westchester Street in New York City or New York State. However, there is a Westchester Avenue and a Westchester Square in The Bronx. There's also a Westchester Place in New Rochelle (New Rochelle is in Westchester County, which is directly above The Bronx).
The College of Westchester was created in 1915.
Westchester Phantoms was created in 2006.
The phone number of the Westchester Public Library is: 708-562-3573.
Westchester is a place. Westchester is the setting for ALL The Clique series(excluding The Clique Summer Collection).
The College of Westchester's motto is 'Education That Works'.
Westchester Country Club was created in 1922.
Westchester Community College was created in 1946.
Westchester-Putnam Council was created in 1973.
Westchester Day School was created in 1948.
Westchester County Airport was created in 1942.