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Q: Who was supposed to make sure federal laws were followed in the South?
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Who makes sure federal laws are followed?


Can states make laws that don't agree with the US constitution?

no, because the constitution has federal laws, and federal government > State Governemnt

Does South Dakota have a rigid gun law?

Firearms laws in South Dakota are in accordance with the federal laws, without much added to them.

Are automatic firearms leagl in Ohio?

Yes, provide all federal, state and local laws are followed.

Can a permanent resident have a gun in the us?

If all appropriate state, federal and local laws are followed, yes.

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What laws from the Legislature have been passed and followed?

Who enforce the laws in the South during Reconstruction?

During Reconstruction, the federal government, specifically the Union Army and federal officials, enforced the laws in the South. This was done to ensure that the newly implemented policies, such as the Reconstruction Amendments and civil rights laws, were upheld in the region.

How serious was the nullification crisis?

Andrew Jackson was prepared to use troops to make sure federal laws were followed. -

What are the branches constitution?

The Constitution established three branches of the federal government: the legislative branch, to make laws; the executive branch, to carry out the laws; and the judicial branch, to make sure the laws were followed.

According to the Supremacy Clause what is the correct order of the ladder of laws in the US from top to bottom?

The correct order of the ladder of laws in the US from top to bottom is: the US Constitution, federal laws (including treaties), state constitutions, and state laws. The Supremacy Clause establishes that the US Constitution is the supreme law of the land, followed by federal laws and treaties.

Can you sell a gun to someone who is going to take it out of state?

Providing all the local, state and federal laws are followed, yes.

What was the one who indicated how serious the nullification crisis was?

Andrew Jackson was prepared to use troops to make sure federal laws were followed.