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Gaius Julius Caesar

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Q: Who was kidnapped by the Cillician pirates in 75 BC?
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Who kiddnapped Julius Caesar in 75 bc?


What year is 75 bc?

75 BC is 75 BC.

What is year bc?

75 BC is 75 BC.

When did pirates become prevalent?

Because they wanted too

How was early Rome protected by pirate raids?

Rome fought Illyrian wars in 229 BC, 219 BC and 168 BC against the Illyrians on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea (a sea which forms the eastern coast of Italy) because pirates bases on this coast (the coast of modern Croatia). Through this Rome gained control of this sea and curbed piracy. Piracy occurred in other parts of the Mediterranean and the Romans had a patrol fleet to deal with this problems. The problem persisted. Julius Caesar was kidnapped by pirates when he was sailing in the Aegean Sea (Greece). He proposed to the pirates to more than double the ransom they demanded. When he was released he raised a fleet, captured the pirates, and had them crucified as he had promised while in captivity. The pirates had taken this as a joke.

Who are the Jamestown pirates?

A group of pirates who sailed the ocean blue in 192 BC and plundered Africa for African American goods.

What general cleared the Mediterranean sea of pirates?

Pompey the Great in 66 BC

When Pythagoras live?

Pythagoras was born in 570 BC and died in 495 BC. He aged to be 75 years old.

How far is it from abbotsford bc to Vancouver bc?

75 kilometres taking TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY 1 - WEST.

What was Pythagoras death date?

Pythagoras died around the age of 75 around 495 BC.

What was the age of archemendes?

Archimedes was born in 287 BC and died in 212 BC, making him 75 years old when he died.

Were there pirates in 1479?

It is safe to assume that as long as there has been ships plying for commercial trade across the oceans, there has been pirates. Pirates have been recorded as early as the 13th Century BC on the Mediterranean. Piracy exists to this day.