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The federal government.

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Q: Who sets up the rules of naturalization and bankruptcy?
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What are the rules of mortgage bankruptcy in the US?

There are many laws surrounding mortgage bankruptcy in the US. Chapter 7 and 13 highlight these rules, when someone discharges from all their debt, or sets up a repayment plan.

Who sets up the rules for the hunger games?

the author

How does congress use naturalization?

By cleaning up

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how many parts make up the application for naturalization?

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If you filed bankruptcy would your house be foreclosed on?

If you file for bankruptcy the court will be in charge of finding a fair settlement. They can require the person in bankruptcy to sell their primary residence if that is the main asset of value. The rules vary by jurisdiction. Independent of the bankruptcy the lender who has a loan secured by the property can foreclose and force the sale of the home if the payments are not made as agreed. A bankruptcy does not release the borrower from keeping up the payments on the home loan. As most loans state, if you fail to keep up with your payments your home is at risk.

What document is the most important to your country It sets up rules for your government by spelling out exactly what each branch and level of government is allowed to do?

The Constitution.

What is the constitutions meaning?

A constitution is a document which sets up the structure and scope of a federal government in a democratic society. It creates the rules and guidelines by which the government operates.

What is the maximum speed limit a 25k can travel on the flight line?

There is no statute law that sets this. It is up to the administration of the airfield to set these rules.

When you file chapter 7 bankruptcy and the case was dimissed will this show up on my credit report?

Yes. It will show that you filed bankruptcy and that the bankruptcy was dismissed.

What is the responsibility of the SEC?

(SEC). It is in charge of implementing federal securities laws, and, as such, it sets up rules and regulations for the proper conduct of professionals operating within its regulatory jurisdiction.