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A guardian ad-litem is appointed by the courts

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Q: Who represents the child in a custody case?
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Related questions

What is a petition for child custody?

It is a court form to go before a court in a case to settle who will get custody of a child.

How do you reverse child custody in parental alienation case?

You petition the court to modify the custody order.

How do grandparents get custody of their grandchild if the parent disagrees and the parent put the child out and the child doesn't want to go back and live with the parent?

For the grandparents to get the custody over the parent, they have to go through a court case and prove to their case to have custody.

What court hears a child custody case?

family court

What can be done to an attorney's firm that represents one person in a custody case and then later represents another person against the first in a different custody case?

File a complaint with the State Supreme Court, not the bar association, which is just an attorneys club.

Who receives custody of the child when parents are unmarried and in rehabilitation for addiction?

Often, a family member assumes custody of the child, either on their own (in which case they need to get legal custody ASAP) or through the State's child protection/child welfare agency.

Is a child custody public knowledge?

Generally, yes, unless the case was impounded for some reason. You can visit your local child and family court and check the index under the names of the parents or the child in the case of custody via a legal guardianship.Generally, yes, unless the case was impounded for some reason. You can visit your local child and family court and check the index under the names of the parents or the child in the case of custody via a legal guardianship.Generally, yes, unless the case was impounded for some reason. You can visit your local child and family court and check the index under the names of the parents or the child in the case of custody via a legal guardianship.Generally, yes, unless the case was impounded for some reason. You can visit your local child and family court and check the index under the names of the parents or the child in the case of custody via a legal guardianship.

What happens if your daughters mother doesn't bring your daughter to your child custody case?

Normally a child is not brought to court when a custody case is being heard. The judge speaks to the child separately, and usually on another day.. see my profile

What is a third party in a child custody case?

An adult who is not the mother or the father.

How do you set up custody of your child in case of your death?

Contact the father so custody can be givin to rightful parent.

Will filing a UCC 1 as a secured party guarantee a win in a child custody battle?

Being a secured creditor will have absolutely no impact on a child custody case.

What are the laws for child custody in California?

Your question is too broad. Generally a judge determines custody based on the facts in the particular case and the best interest of the child.