CSI: NY's Danny Messer is played by Carmine Giovinazzo.
Gary Sinise plays Mac Taylor.
Gary Sinise
CSI New York is on Season 8.
His name is Mac Taylor played by Gary Sinise :)
Yes, there will be a sixth season of CSI: New York.
Please, I hope CSI New York has not been cancelled.
She was a CSI or Crime Scene Investigator.
True Yes it is!
No information has been released indicating that Gary Sinise has plans to leave CSI New York.
There are 3 CSI series running: the "original" CSI set in Las Vegas, CSI Miami, and CSI New York.
Character names in csi ny is: Mac Taylor, Stella Bonasera, Danny Messer, Lindsay Monroe, Sheldon Hawkes, Adam Ross, Dr. Sid Hammerback and Don Flack