Her child's biological father if she has obtained a court order for child support.
Her child's biological father if she has obtained a court order for child support.
Her child's biological father if she has obtained a court order for child support.
Her child's biological father if she has obtained a court order for child support.
If the father of your child has another child by someone will the courts or child support enforcement reduce my support of my child. ? Are there any special circumstances if the father of my child never married me or this other person.? Can I still persue increases of child support even though the man has another child? Sincerely. Which child comes first in Chicago ILLinois
No, only the biological father will be assessed child support.
now that you are married to the father of your child he doesn't pay child support but pays no gives more money to support yours and his child and running the household. good luck
Yes. The father is responsible for child support whether or not the parents were ever married. It is the biological connection that creates the legal obligation to support a child.Yes. The father is responsible for child support whether or not the parents were ever married. It is the biological connection that creates the legal obligation to support a child.Yes. The father is responsible for child support whether or not the parents were ever married. It is the biological connection that creates the legal obligation to support a child.Yes. The father is responsible for child support whether or not the parents were ever married. It is the biological connection that creates the legal obligation to support a child.
Biological parents who are married to each other do not pay child support to each another. They naturally share the expenses for their child. You have to let the court know you are married though and petition for the order to be dropped.
Yes, just because a father gets remarried this does not mean that he doesn't have to care for his child.
Yes , the biological father will be held legally responsible for the support of his child .
No, when married the minor becomes emancipated.
If you are in the US, the fact that you are now married/pregnant has no effect on child support for another child.