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His parents pay for him and he pays child support for his baby.

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Q: Who pays child support for an unwed minor who has fathered a baby in Mississippi?
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In Mississippi does child support stop at 18 if minor is not in school?

no, age of majority there is 21.

How old does your child have to be before you can stop paying child support in Mississippi?

The age of majority in Mississippi is 21. Generally if the minor marries or enters the military they are considered emancipated and child support is no longer be valid.

Can you sue for back child support if you never filed?

Generally you cannot unless there are extenuating circumstances. Some examples of such are if the father was not able to be found and/or a paternity test had not been taken to prove who fathered the minor child.

Does child support stop for a child if she is a minor and is pregnant?

No it does not.

Does the mother get child support or is the kid supposed to?

The parent is supposed to get the child support, not the minor child.

Do you still pay child support on a minor child if he has a child?


Can mother get support when father is a minor?

Absolutely. Child support is designed for the benefit of the child.

If the custodial parent does not want child support can the minor child file for the support themselves?

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What if child has a child and receives federal aid and child support?

If a custodial parent receives child support for the benefit of a minor child, and that minor child has a child themselves, they can receive child support for their child, however, as far as federal aid, they are required to disclose the child support the custodial parent receives for their benefit as income.

Paying child support if the child is using drugs?

Typically, the custodial parent of a minor continues to receive child support until the minor becomes an adult or is emancipated.

Do child support payments have to be made to custodial parent if child is pregnant?

If you live in the US... Being pregnant/having a child does not emancipate a minor. Therefore, the minor's parents are still responsible for supporting them (but not for supporting the minor's child), and the child support must still be paid.

Will the custodial parent lose child support on the minor if the minor becomes pregnant?

No. The minor has the same needs as before which the parents have to pay for. The minor and the father of her child will have to pay for their own child.