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Q: Who oversees courts of limited jurisdiction?
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Juvenile courts are courts of which type of jurisdiction?

Juvenile courts are courts of original and special (or limited) jurisdiction.

In states cities and townships traffic courts ar courts of limited?


Tax courts and bankruptcy courts are examples of?

courts of limited jurisdiction.

Are courts of limited jurisdiction called felony courts?

they are not felony courts. They are municipal courts

Probate courts and courts of claims are examples of courts with?

Limited or special jurisdiction

Explain the difference between courts of general jurisdiction and limited jurisdiction?

General Jurisdiction courts are State Courts and Federal District courts (Including appeals and Supreme courts). Specific/Limited Jurisdictional courts are courts which can only hear certain. There are tax courts, bankruptcy courts, patent and copyright court....

What are minor courts with limited jurisdiction considered?

They might include such limited jurisdiction courts as - Justice of The Peace Courts - Magistrate's Courts - Municipal Traffic Courts - any court with a limited jurisdictional reach and a more-or-less specialized types of ordnances or statutes to enforce.

Courts of limited jurisdiction are also called?


What are the Different court tiers?

Trial level, Appellate level, Supreme Court.

What court is the first appellate level for courts of limited jurisdiction?

court of general jurisdiction

What is the difference between limited jurisdiction courts and general jurisdiction courts?

The difference has to do with subject matter jurisdiction. A court with general jurisdiction can try cases of any sort, whereas one with limited jurisdiction can only try cases pertaining to particular subject matters.

State courts are courts of general jurisdiction because?

Their powers are limited to the state in which they preside