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I guess your HR department. I'm not quite sure of the question that your asking. Would COBRA be applicable?

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Q: Who notifies you if you have a lapse in medical coverage due to vacation time?
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Can you reinstate and file a claim during a lapse in coverage?

No. If you had a lapse and a claim occurred during that lapse, then you have no coverage for the loss.

If theres a lapse in hazard homeowners insurance am istill covered?

No. You are not covered in a lapse period. A period of lapse in coverage means " No Coverage ".

How long can you let car insurance lapse before it effects no claims?

There is no grace period for claims after a lapse in coverage. The moment your auto insurance "lapses" is the moment you have "No Coverage" from that moment forward you have no coverage for a claim until you get coverage again.

How do you drop medical coverage on spouse switching to employers insurance?

Either go to the HR department where you work or contact your insurance company directly. The company will need this in writing. Make sure there is no lapse in coverage.

Can a medical insurance company drop you because of one non payment?

It would depend on the insurance company. Most insurance companies will reinstate your coverage once you are caught up on your premium payments. You would then just have a lapse in coverage for the month you missed.

Is a genetic condition considered a preexisting condition?

Yes, if it was known prior to coverage. If you have had continuous insurance since the genetic condition was known and there was no lapse in coverage (or the lapse was short enough), care for that condition will be covered by your new insurer, per HIPAA.

Can you get homeowners insurance in GA with a claim 2 months ago and a lapse about 1.5 months ago...Where would you go for such a thing?

You can contact any insurance company of your choice. Some companies will accept you and Some will not due to your lapse in coverage, and now prior claims history. The best option would have been to continue your previous coverage. Many homeowners make this same mistake in letting their policy lapse while a claim is pending. With a lapse in your coverage as well as a claim you will likely be paying more for your policy than you did in the past.

What happens if you have a lapse in health insurance?

You are responsible for your own medical bills.

If you change jobs will the new insurance company cover a dependent's cancer treatments assuming the new employer provides sufficient coverage?

Yes, as long as there is no lapse in coverage.

Is there a lapse in coverage on an insurance policy if the policy was cancelled and then reinstated?

Technically, the policy lapsed. If a covered loss occurred before reinstatement, the insurer would arguably be justified in denying coverage. However, if the reinstatement was retroactive to the lapse date (which would probably occur if the reinstatement occurred quickly), and if you have been with the insured for some time, coverage may be extended to the intervening loss.

Lapse in car insurance?

A lapse in your auto insurance is a time period for which you had or have no coverage. Either your policy expired and was not renewed on schedule meaning you missed your renewal payment or you missed a monthly payment and the policy was cancelled.

Will you be able to get inexpensive individual dental insurance if you discontinue COBRA and have a lapse in coverage?

== == Yes, dental insurance is not like major medical. There are a lot of individual plans on the market and they do not consider continuation of coverage. However, it is fairly common for individual dental plans to have a waiting period for major services. The reason is that they do not want you to sign up, get a $1000 or more of benefits and then drop the coverage a month later.