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The owner of the property must sign the deed in order to transfer the real estate to a new owner.

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Q: Who must sign a deed to be valid the Grantor or Grantee or recorder or all?
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Does the survivorship deed need to have the signatures of the current owners on it to be legal?

Yes. A deed must have the signature of the grantor for it to be valid. The grantor is the person who owns the land. The grantee is the person(s) who is receiving the land. Once the deed is recorded in the land records the grantee is the new owner.

Does a grantee still own the property granted by a grantor if grantor is dead?

Generally, yes. The grantor on a deed is the one who owns the property and is transferring it to the grantee. Once the deed has been executed and delivered to the grantee the grantee is the new owner and they must record the deed in the land records as proof of their ownership. The subsequent death of the grantor has no effect on the grantee's ownership.

Do quit claim deeds expire when the grantor dies?

No. The grantor on a quitclaim deed transfers ownership to the grantee by virtue of the deed. The grantee is the new owner until they transfer the property to someone else by executing a new deed.No. The grantor on a quitclaim deed transfers ownership to the grantee by virtue of the deed. The grantee is the new owner until they transfer the property to someone else by executing a new deed.No. The grantor on a quitclaim deed transfers ownership to the grantee by virtue of the deed. The grantee is the new owner until they transfer the property to someone else by executing a new deed.No. The grantor on a quitclaim deed transfers ownership to the grantee by virtue of the deed. The grantee is the new owner until they transfer the property to someone else by executing a new deed.

Grantor verses the grantee in quit claim deed?

The grantor is the person who transfers their interest in the property by deed. The grantee is the person who receives that interest: the new owner.

What does being on a deed mean?

"Being on the deed" means that you are the grantor or grantee in the deed. The grantor is the seller or the owner making a transfer of the property and the grantee is the purchaser or the one who is acquiring an interest in the property.

If a grantee accepts a quitclaim deed are they inherently implying that the grantor has a legitimate claim to the land in the deed?

The grantee is only accepting what interest the grantor may own. A quitclaim deed conveys any interest the grantor has or may have. It does not guarantee that the grantor passes good title. By acceptance of the deed the grantee accepts those conditions. If the grantee wants to determine the status of the title conveyed by the deed she/he must have the title to the property examined by a professional.

Does the grantor have any rights to build on the property?

Not unless he reserved that right in his deed.The grantor is the party who transfers ownership of land to the grantee in a deed. He cannot build on the land because he no longer owns it. The grantee is the new owner.Not unless he reserved that right in his deed.The grantor is the party who transfers ownership of land to the grantee in a deed. He cannot build on the land because he no longer owns it. The grantee is the new owner.Not unless he reserved that right in his deed.The grantor is the party who transfers ownership of land to the grantee in a deed. He cannot build on the land because he no longer owns it. The grantee is the new owner.Not unless he reserved that right in his deed.The grantor is the party who transfers ownership of land to the grantee in a deed. He cannot build on the land because he no longer owns it. The grantee is the new owner.

Would acquiring the original deed be better than a quit claim deed?

No. In order to transfer title to real property to a new owner the new owner must get a deed from the present owner.The "original deed" was a transaction between the grantor and grantee on that deed.No. In order to transfer title to real property to a new owner the new owner must get a deed from the present owner.The "original deed" was a transaction between the grantor and grantee on that deed.No. In order to transfer title to real property to a new owner the new owner must get a deed from the present owner.The "original deed" was a transaction between the grantor and grantee on that deed.No. In order to transfer title to real property to a new owner the new owner must get a deed from the present owner.The "original deed" was a transaction between the grantor and grantee on that deed.

Does the grantee have to sign the quitclaim deed?

Generally, the grantor signs the deed unless it contains an agreement that the grantee must agree to to make the agreement binding on the grantee.Generally, the grantor signs the deed unless it contains an agreement that the grantee must agree to to make the agreement binding on the grantee.Generally, the grantor signs the deed unless it contains an agreement that the grantee must agree to to make the agreement binding on the grantee.Generally, the grantor signs the deed unless it contains an agreement that the grantee must agree to to make the agreement binding on the grantee.

When is a deed effective?

A deed is effective against the grantor once it is signed and delivered to the grantee. It is affective against the world once it is recorded in the land records.See related question.A deed is effective against the grantor once it is signed and delivered to the grantee. It is affective against the world once it is recorded in the land records.See related question.A deed is effective against the grantor once it is signed and delivered to the grantee. It is affective against the world once it is recorded in the land records.See related question.A deed is effective against the grantor once it is signed and delivered to the grantee. It is affective against the world once it is recorded in the land records.See related question.

Can a Quit Claim Deed from bank or tax foreclosure be converted to a Warranty Deed?

No. The grantor has the benefit of choosing what warranties they will provide at the time of the sale or the warranties are negotiated by the parties at that time. Once the grantor has executed and delivered the warranty deed to the grantee they cannot take it back to revoke the warranty covenants. The grantee on the deed is the new owner and the grantee cannot make changes to their deed. If there was an error made you need to consult with an attorney as to how it can be corrected.No. The grantor has the benefit of choosing what warranties they will provide at the time of the sale or the warranties are negotiated by the parties at that time. Once the grantor has executed and delivered the warranty deed to the grantee they cannot take it back to revoke the warranty covenants. The grantee on the deed is the new owner and the grantee cannot make changes to their deed. If there was an error made you need to consult with an attorney as to how it can be corrected.No. The grantor has the benefit of choosing what warranties they will provide at the time of the sale or the warranties are negotiated by the parties at that time. Once the grantor has executed and delivered the warranty deed to the grantee they cannot take it back to revoke the warranty covenants. The grantee on the deed is the new owner and the grantee cannot make changes to their deed. If there was an error made you need to consult with an attorney as to how it can be corrected.No. The grantor has the benefit of choosing what warranties they will provide at the time of the sale or the warranties are negotiated by the parties at that time. Once the grantor has executed and delivered the warranty deed to the grantee they cannot take it back to revoke the warranty covenants. The grantee on the deed is the new owner and the grantee cannot make changes to their deed. If there was an error made you need to consult with an attorney as to how it can be corrected.

If a Quitclaim Deed is signed and later registered when is it in force?

A quitclaim deed is enforceable against the grantor the moment it is executed and delivered to the grantee.