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The congress


Drkzgodzz: Dude really lol it says in Article 2, Section 2, Senate must approve the president's choices.(via History Alive!: The United States Through Industrialism) it says the senate in the margins.

So the answer is The Senate NOT THE CONGRESS

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Gregorio Lind

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Senate must approve it by a majority Vote. Each of the President's nominations is referred to the appropriate standing committee of the Senate. That committee may then hold hearings to decide whether of not to make a favorable recommendation to the full Senate for that appointment.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

the president or the man in charge of their positions depending how high they are in their work place!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Such is the job of the US Senate.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The Senate

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βˆ™ 8y ago

fishes can

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Q: Who must approve all judges cabinet members and ambassadors the the president appoints to government positions?
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Who must approve judges ambassadors and cabinet members the president appoints to government positions?


Who must approve all judges cabinet members and ambassadors that the president appoints positions?

The Congress.

Who must approve all judges cabinet members and ambassadors that the president appoints to government positions?

The Congress.

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What branch recommends the appointment of ambassadors?

The President, who heads the executive branch of the US government, appoints the ambassadors. The Senate must approve his choices.

Who nominates ambassadors for the US?

The President appoints ambassadors.

The president appoints ambassadors who have to be approved by?

the senate

Who must approve all judges cabinet members and ambassadors that the president appoints government position?

The Congress.

All ambassadors are appointed by who?

The president appoints the ambassadors subject to confirmation by the Senate.

Who appoints ambassadors from our country to other nations?

The President.

The president appoints what people to their jobs?

The president appoints his cabinet, foreign ambassadors, federal judges and other high ranking government officials. All must be approved by the US Senate.

Who must approve people that the president appoints to government positions?

the senate, I believe