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Yes. This is known as the prohibition against self-incrimination or the right to silence. In the US legal system this is a right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment.

"Taking the fifth" means refusing to answer a question on the basis that you may incriminate yourself. It is illegal to convict someone for a crime on the basis that they refuse to testify against themselves.

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14y ago

The fifth amendment to the constitution says that no-onemay be forced to testify against himself.

There is an exception. One who gives testimony (voluntarily) about something can not say just as much as he feels will help him, and then refuse to answer questions under cross-examination about that testimony.

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No, you are protected from self incrimination by the 5th Amendment.

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13y ago

It depends on local legislation.

Some justice systems allow it others do not.

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Q: Who may be forced to testify against himself?
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Who cannot testify against a defendant?

In most states, the spouse. There are also certain professional or social relationships that are regarded as privileged... for example, attorney-client, doctor-patient, or priest-parishoner communications may be exempt from subpoena.Note that this does not mean that the person in question cannot testify against the defendant, it means they can't be forced to testify against the defendant. A spouse can choose to testify. The professional cases usually can't, but what they cannot testify about is limited. If the doctor saw the defendant standing over the murder victim with a bloody knife in his hand, for example, that's not a privileged communication and the fact that he happens to be the defendant's doctor is irrelevant.

Can you be forced to testify against yourself in court?

In state court, you could not be compelled to testify in a state that recognizes your same-sex marriage, but you could be compelled if the state does not recognize your marriage. In federal court, you could not be compelled to testify regardless of whether the state recognizes your marriage, according to an announcement made on February 8, 2014, by United States Attorney General Eric Holder.

What is it called when you testify against yourself in a case?

Self-incrimination can be voluntary or coerced. It may occur prior to trial, or on the stand. If the defendant is called to testify on his behalf, he may choose to admit guilt. In this manner, the accused could testify against himself. Although not generally recommended, one positive potential outcome could be leniency in sentencing, by the presiding judge (insofar as may or may not be allowed by law).

What is the difference between a competent witness and a compellable witness?

A competent witness it one who can understand questions put to them and can reply in an understandable manner. A witness may be found not competent if they have a mental disease the makes them unable to testify meaningfully, such as schizophrenia or dementia. A compellable witness is one that can be forced by law to testify. Almost all competent witnesses are compellable, but there are exceptions. For example, a spouse can be competent but cannot be compelled to testify against their mate.

Can somebody be forced to live in smoker house?

Nobody can and may be forced to do anything against their will.

How does the fifth amendment help people accused of a crime?

if some one asked you a question you did not want to answer all you have to say is i plea the 5th and you would not have to answer that question Anybody is permitted to know their exact rights and the rights of others because of the Bill of Rights. It is for the United States, the Bill of Rights; and if you ever wondered why cops always say "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law", it's because they are required by law to say that because the suspect must know his or her rights. I hope I helped

Can a husband choose to not testify against his mate in Washington state?

A spouse or civil partner of a defendant is almost always considered a competent witness for either side, and may choose to testify for or against their spouse. A defendant may, when relevant, compel their spouse or civil partner to testify on their behalf. The prosecution however, may only compel the testimony of the defendant's spouse or civil partner in cases of domestic abuse or violence or sexual offences towards persons under 16. When the spouse or civil partner is a co-defendant to the charges, they may not be compelled to testify.

Must I testify against an ex-spouse?

Yes, the marital exemption no longer applies. However, if it would tend to incriminate YOU, you may refuse to testify under the 5th Amendment (self incrimination clause) of the Constitution.

How can someone testify if they are not a witness?

They can't. Only subpoeana'd witnesses may testify at a trial or hearing.

Can a kid testify against their mom in court in a custody battle and what are good ways to testify for that?

In a custody hearing, witnesses don't testify "against" anybody. It may depend on the child's age as to whether the judge will even hear their input or not, and HE will ask the question to which he wishes you to respond. The judge is only concerned that the parent that gets primary custody is the parent that can provicde the best environment, support and upbringing for the child(ren) in question.

Can a non medical person's description of an elderly person's health be used as medical diagnosis in a trial?

No. It cannot be used as a diagnosis. They may be able to testify as to their observations only.No. It cannot be used as a diagnosis. They may be able to testify as to their observations only.No. It cannot be used as a diagnosis. They may be able to testify as to their observations only.No. It cannot be used as a diagnosis. They may be able to testify as to their observations only.

Does a wife have to testify against husband in a domestic violence case when she is the victim and has been supeonad?

The law states, that a wife Does NOT have to testify against her husband if she does NOT wish too. Call you local Court house to verify, they will tell you the same. I had the same question a few yrs ago myself, lol.